"You look beautiful" Autumn whispered as she hooked her arm around the girl's, heading towards the restaurant door

It was a simple compliment but Kate felt her cheeks heat up with fire at her words and the fact that they had linked arms like small children. It was the feeling of the girl's body that made her blood rush

The tall restaurant towered over them, every edge of the building looked as if it was hand carved by Greek Gods themselves, perfectly chisled and designed from soft pearl stone. The interior on the other hand was completely different, it was more modern than you'd expect. The doors were dark wood and the inside walls were a light shade of brown. Circular tables were placed in a zig zag pattern in the main dining hall where a darker shade of grey linen touched the table cloths. Each table carried its usual marbled plates, forks and shining glasses filled halfway with chilled wine.

The two girls approached the host who's eyes widened with excitement when they landed on the actress

"M-Ms Hester. Right this way" The man stuttered as he dashed out from behind the counter

The two girls followed behind him until they reached a wide and circular table. Kate smiled politely at the man as he helped her slide into her seat. Autumn sat across from the girl and eyes were immediately on them. The host stood with a few menu's and placed them onto the table, shaking in his booths

Kate furrowed her brows at the young man that seemed nervous to even be standing

"You can go now" Autumn swatted her hands away and the boy ran

"Hey! That's rude" Kate pouted

"I'm starving, he's lurking"

"Did you make reservations here? This place is really hard to get into" Kate said

"Nope" Autumn smirked before gripping the menu

"Damn, I guess being a celebrity has its perks" she chuckled

"You can say that" she said

Kate's phone buzzed in her hand as she glanced down to see a few messages being spammed in from Ethan and Jamie. Kate furrowed her brows before reading the messages, it was a link to an article

'Autumn Hester says she might be leaving B and B production for good. Is this the end of her career?'

"What the hell" Kate hissed at the timeline

"Something wrong?" Autumn asked as she glanced at the girl

"No no. It's just some stupid rumor"


"Something about you leaving Hollywood? It's stupid. They're all bullshit lies either way, I don't know why my friends sent it" Kate shrugged and she placed her phone back down

But Autumn didn't say a word, her brows were switched together and her eyes were narrowed as if she went into a deep thought, avoiding the brown stare of her Co star

"How was being on set today?"

"Jesus Christ I'm exhausted" Autumn rolled her eyes earning a low chuckle from the brunette

"Did May work you out today?"

"She had me film one drop kick about twenty times in twenty different angles. My thighs are on fire. I need to workout tomorrow" Autumn groaned

"Should have picked a stunt double" Kate smirked

"Maybe I will, before I die from snapping my back in two" Autumn moaned before stretching into the chair

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