SQ;Blood and Tears(2)

783 39 3

Nae an gipeun goes apeuriori

Meeting Pia in the hallway, again, brought all my hostility back. After shoving past her, I couldn't control myself. I had to leave the house.
With my vampire speed, I run deep into the forest, reaching a familiar clearing and leaning against a tree trunk.

I closed my eyes for a while, I didn't know how long it sat there, seeing Pia gave me the heartache, the kind of pain I experienced for all those years, she said she had changed, but how was I supposed to forget all that she did?

Yes, it hurts real bad to stay away from her, the day I hurt her , I thought I would go crazy but staying away was to help my wound heal, the wound she gave me.

Hours or maybe, some minutes later, an unfamiliar heartache began to settle in. My eyes shot opened, palm rubbing my chest as I squinted my be eyes in confusion. My heart was racing, very fast which wasn't normal.

What was going on?

I tried to stand up but grunted in pain and fell back on my butt. Something was wrong, I could feel it. I was feeling a certain pain that.....


I was now putting one and one together until my eyes widened.

Using the same route I knew so well, I run back, this time more faster.

My eyes widened when I entered the living room, only to smell different scents.
No one was around, few things were scattered here and there.

I tried to listen for sounds until I picked up a cry, my body was still hurting from an unfamiliar pain.


In no time, I was throwing her door opened, to witness the kind of sight that made my blood boil.

I didn't know why she did all that, for a moment, I expected to take that bullet, I would've survived.

Seeing her take three silver bullets made me almost crazy, seeing my mate hurt was something I never wanted. Even though our bond was weak, I could still feel it, that dreadful feeling which makes you feel as if your soul is being torn apart, as if it's being ripped apart , I was fast to catch her before she fell.

My body was shaking, I was trembling.


With every word she said, she coughed out blood.
I looked down at her, my eyes filling with tears.

"I- I'm-sorry"

I shook my head
"N-no, "

"Just no! "

I burst out

"Wh-why d-did you do that?! "

"Why did you have to jump in and take those bullets?! Are you stupid? ! "

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