SQ:Blood and tears(1)

832 41 4

kkumeun samagui pureun singiru

(I unpublished it and published it again, so if the chapter is short and abnormal, pls try to download it again)

"Stay back flower, don't move from there "

Jungkook warns as he stared at the five attackers warily and carefully. After I gave control to Moon, I don't know what happened but it was Jungkook who woke me up later, telling me to shift back so we can get back home. I did as he said, we walked for a while, carrying the picnic basket and making him talk about his time with my wolf when we heard a twig snap.

His senses being sharper than mine, he held my hand, it wasn't long until I picked up five unfamiliar scents, there were two werewolf rogues and three vampires, surrounding us.

I instinctively dropped the picnic basket and stood in an alert stance, I wish Jungkook would allow me to kick some asses but he definitely made it clear when he just told me to stay back.

My wolf whimpered, worried for my mate but I had to listen to him. All five vampires attacked simultaneously, those that tried to aim for me , Jungkook did his best to block them. He was fast, like really faster than them, dodging them easily. They didn't seem so experienced but I realized one vampire was really good at combat, he only knew how to attack, his defending skills were hella poor.

Jungkook on the other hand whipped around them in a flash, you will see him standing in front of you but 0.5 seconds later, he will be behind you.

Ok three down, two to go , I didn't like the sight of blood but Jungkook was one hella of a brutal fighter.

His method of killing them was so merciless, I cringe, trying not to look at them. I could feel all the food rising up my throat.

The one who seemed to be good was attacking whiles the other werewolf was, I think Jungkook found him distracting so he grabbed him by the hair, earning a scream from him as he threw him to the far end, his body slamming into a far tree.

I don't know why Jungkook was focused on squeezing the guy's neck for that long but it seemed the guy had pissed him off so he wanted to give him a painful death.

I watched as the guy's face turned red, the life in him being squeezed by my mate. I turned my gaze away from them as I heard his neck snap.

Distracted, he failed to notice the other one back on his feet and rushing to him with a blade in his hand.

It all happened fast and then, I saw him stab the blade into my mate's arm.Jungook grunted, catching my attention. My eyes went wide as he stumbled backwards, eyes on the blade stabbed in his arm, blood gushing out. The mark on my wrist began to burn, the one on my neck throbbing painfully. My wolf growled, hearing and feeling his cry in pain. Everything happened slow and next thing I knew, I had shifted, sprinting to them, tackling him down at killing him brutally.


I heard Jungkook call

"Luna noo! "

I wasn't going to listen to him, I was too desperate

I grabbed the guy's throat with my teeth and tore it out of his neck,his screams of agony echoing through the woods and blood sputtering on my Wolf's face. I cringed in disgust, continuing to tear him apart even when I knew he was dead.I made sure to tear that fucker limb by limb.

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