Jimin tuned out their conversation and turned his attention to the field. The field was changed again for those players who were going to fight as animals. There were several bushes to hide in. 

On the ground, as of now, was a lion. Not Namjoon. Another guy Jimin didn't know. Then the entire audience quiet down when the opponent showed up. The only tiger. Jimin, from the corner of his eyes, saw Aviyanna whispering something to some people who rushed down to the entry point of the field. Jimin realized that the number of people who were there to help injured ones increased. 

Everyone, apart from an excited Taehyung and Jungkook on his side, grew wary of Yoongi's presence. Especially on a fighting ground. Jimin frowned at that. He wished people woud stop behaving like Yoongi was some monster. 

Aviyanna announced the match to start. The two beasts, circled each other. The lion growled lowly while the tiger kept quiet. Jimin felt excited as his suspense grew. Anyone could win. The lion was an adult. Probably older than Yoongi. Even if the lion was a little bigger than than Yoongi. The tiger still had a lot of advantages. Apart from being more intelligent that lions, tigers had considerably more muscle power. 

Jimin didn't really want to be biased or anything, but he thought tigers were better than lion, minus Namjoon. He hadn't known Namjoon for long, but still had a lot of respect for him. He had seen his leadership  skills. And of course, his mannerism. 

'Tigers are still better...' Jimin thought to himself. He didn't understand why he was suddenly so biased towards tigers. But when the lion roared and attacked Yoongi, he didn't bother thinking of an answer. 

Yoongi easily dodged the attack and grunted in a manner that said- Do something better than that. Jimin frowned both the players hid behind the tall bushes. He couldn't see anything but the movement in the bushes and hear nothing but both the players roaring. 

Others, however could. They easily used their better eye sights. Jimin huffed. Questioning once again what made humans better than animals. He bit his lips, desperately trying to look for Yoongi in between the bushes. 

He was so focused in looking for the tiger, he didn't even register his pendant that had started to glow. 

He gasped. The whole world around him seemed to slow down. Suddenly he could see everything in manner that wasn't humanely possible. He could see Yoongi and his opponent fighting. He could see them inside the bush. He could hear Yoongi's heart beat. His movements. The sound of his paws falling on the ground. He could hear the lion growl lowly in his throat. But suddenly, he couldn't see anything. Everything went black. And as suddenly as vision went black, it came back again. Again he could see both the animals fighting among the bushes. 

Yoongi roared like the thunder. And Jimin could almost feel the vibrations. He could see the tiger's muscles tensing and relaxing as Yoongi prepared to jump upon its opponent. He hit down hard on the lion's face. 

The other groaned and fell down. Immediately, Yoongi pinned the lion down and placed his mouth near its mouth. Jimin could see Yoongi baring his canines. His dagger sharp teeth pressed gently onto the skin of the lion's neck. 

The few fraction of seconds, in which Aviyanna raised her hand up to announce the end of the match, Jimin could hear her breath. The sound her cloth made while she moved her hand up. 

Jimin furrowed his brows together. His head started to ache. And he started to feel light-headed. 

"-hear me? Jimin!" He frowned even more. Taehyung was right in front of his face. It took him a while to register that Taehyung as screaming his name. Shaking him vigourously. He saw everyone around him looking over at him. 

"Wha-What?" Jimin breathed. 

Taehyung and Jungkook sighed in relief. Their bodies relaxing. 

"You scared us!" Taehyung scolded. 

"What? What happened?" Jimin asked. 

But before the raven head could answer, Ethan's voice boomed. The last match was over. And now the winners were going to be announced. Jimin saw Jungkook turn back around. His eyes widening as he did. 

"Jimin!" He gasped. It again the attention to others around them and they all gasped collectively. 

"Your-Your hair!" Jungkook exclaimed. 

"What's wrong with my hair?" Jimin furrowed his brows pulled a lock of his hair over in front of his eyes. He too gasped in surprise. 

His hair was now silver. 

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