Chapter 14: Reunited and More Modern Warships

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After the Battle the mission to Destroy Orochi was successful and Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire and Ironblood have joined back to together and their are other Factions out their North Parliament, Vichya Dominion Iris Libre and Sardegna Empire well be joining them at the Main Base of Azur Lane soon but Akagi and Kaga we're about to be punish for what they did was wrong but they were lucky and the Sirens were still at large and are still coming up some plans to gain a victory but their is one more thing they also find another one of those unknown anomly again and sent out a Small Fleet towards the location and back at the base

Prince Of Wales: It's been at least 3 days since the Orochi was destroy

Enterprise: Exactly I wonder what the Siren are up to next

Queen Elizabeth: Yes I been thinking about that too

Nagato: Well we must always be prepared if they make another move

Bismarck: So what about the Modern Warships

Belfast: Same as always there just having a great time but we can always rely on them

And then on to the modern warships The Iowa Class Battleships were cleaning their ships and they usually like to do a lot when it comes to being prepared

Iowa: It feels good to enjoy the fresh air out here

Wisconsin: Yes It does were lucky that Azur Lane is back and their are still other Factions that coming here

Missouri: I might get a drink sometime

Iowa: You never change do you

Missouri: Hehehehe It's what I always do

And then on to the the Ticonderoga Class Cruisers

Ticonderoga: It feels better to do something fun

Anzio: Yes it does

Port Royal: Yep sis it is and I feel like doing this all day

Antietam: Yeah I might be able to get something special

And then they ran into Cleveland and her sisters

Ticonderoga: Oh hey cleveland

Cleveland: Ticonderoga it's good to see you again

Ticonderoga: Yep how's your day going

Cleveland: Good as always you

Ticonderoga: Same to

Columbia: I see that you are having fun

Anzio: Yeah yesterday's portal with George, Zumwalt,Graf Zeppelin and Tripitz was kinda boring but we got use to it but still the Sirens still haven't shown up but I have a feeling they Strike back soon

Cleveland: Well we can we win again when you're around

Port Royal: We you have a point can't wait to Destroy more of them again

Denver: Always like to fight you are cruisers after all

Ticonderoga: Well were are Aegis vessels were really good with Anti-Air Defense when it comes to Missiles so what do you said (Holds out her hand for a Fist Bump)

Cleveland: Heck yeah we're friends as always

Ticonderoga and Cleveland Both gave each other a Fist Bump and both of them hang out with each other and on to George H.W Bush she was on her ship making sure everything was straight if another battle comes

George: Looks like everything is perfect I guess I can do something else

Then she saw the four best friends Z23, Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami

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