Chapter 4: The War Between Azur Lane and Red Axis

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Azur Lane VS Red Axis

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Azur Lane VS Red Axis

It's like WW2 All over again and Now this is a Naval War between Azur Lane Along with other US Modern Warships against Red Axis Two Alliance's clash over the Seas and Oceans just like in WW2 and the Sirens are still at large and there no telling when another Siren Attack will happen and This is Sirens play
and the war between Azur Lane and Red Axis need come to an end and the Factions of Red Axis need to rejoin Force's with Azur Lane to finish off the Sirens these Shipgirls we create to defend Humanity not Fight each other.

(Now Back to the story it's been hours since the Sakura Empire mange catch Azur Lane off guard and many Azur Lane Ships were severely damage and the whole harbor look like a Ship Graveyard of destroy Siren ships and Cleveland and the other girls started doing some repairs Missouri told Wales do they have a empty dock for them and she said she dose and when they arrive at the docks they turned there ships back to normal soon as that everyone was Shock of their ships design including Missouri's it's bigger as E's and Enty's Ship and they agreed to give them a Tour of their ships when everything situated)

Missouri: I got to say Wales They really manage to get the first move on y'all for good

Prince Of Wales: Yes they did

Illustrious: You might think they will joining alongside with Ironblood right

Missouri: We all know that there out there waiting for us in open ocean we need be cautious so no one can get badly damage in a fight again

(After that Cleveland saw Enterprise walking from her Ship and Cleveland told Enterprise she needs to but she refused Cleveland's request and headed somewhere else after that Missouri call E and Enty to talk with Wales about were they Came from)

Prince Of Wales: So you 3 are from the future correct

Missouri: That's right

Prince Of Wales: Ok so you two are Enterprise's Daughter and Granddaughter what should we call you two

E: The Big E was one of my nicknames but you can call E

Enty: You can Call me Enty ma'am

Illustrious: So tell what does future look like

E,Enty and Missouri: well

(Meanwhile Javelin and Laffey we're on a picnic)

Javelin: That girl I hope she's ok

Laffey: You mean Ayanami

Javelin: Ayanami right I wonder if we really have to Fight her

(Suddenly Enterprise's Eagle flew over them and landed on the tree and Next them was Enterprise and she joined and Stand there starring at the Ocean)

Azur Lane Animation X Next Generation Modern WarshipsWhere stories live. Discover now