A courtesy.

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The chaos of the day was setting along the horizons of the sea with sun, yet the hustle bustle in the streets of Karachi didn't quiet. It seems like the chaos of this city barely sleeps.

On the ravishing building of the most expensive area of the city, a man was spotted in his magnificent office.

"Fardan Akbar Aziz." On the giant desk his name plate shined while he sat at the chair, facing to the glass wall, rolling the cigarette between his fingers, watching the sunset, he was continually calling somebody and declining and calling again. The phone was finally picked up.

"Asalmoalikum." The bold voice of girl echoed from the phone.

"Walaikum Salam. How are you doing Marjan?" Fardan joyously spake.

"Sorry, who is this?"

"Now don't say you didn't recognized me."

"Who is there talking?"
"Marjan, It's me. Fardan Akbar Aziz. We went to the same college."

"Oh hey Fardan, long time no see."
"Yes, where are you? Let's meet somewhere."

"I am coming Karachi tomorrow morning then I will manage some time to meet you."

"Of course.  We have a lot to talk."
"Let's meet then. I will contact you when I would arrive there."

"Sure!" Fardan replied and the phone was hung up. A noticeable smirk appeared on his face as he smoked a blunt of cigarette, while his mind wanders in alleys, the hurricanes rises in his sea blue eyes.

Suddenly, the phone ringed again and his knowing smirked built-up when he focused the number.

"Fardan?" The doubts appeared when woman spake, "Why did you called me?" He laughed out loud, clearly heard by Marjan on the other side of the phone.

"You know Marjan." He told.

"I would not do anything for you."

"Yes you would and you are going to do. My courtesy, remember?" Marjan sighed in frustration.

"I have given you a lot of courtesies for the return of that single courtesy."

"Yet you have never fulfilled the place of the single courtesy I have given to you."

"I wished that day never existed in my life and I had never met you."

"Yet it existed and now you are returning my courtesy, for the last time, I promise."

"Your promise haunt me always." Fardan chuckled hearing this.

"Yet you always want me to make promises."

"I will try my best to die before I meet you."

"Tomorrow morning. I will be there for you. Count this as my another courtesy." Fardan hung up the phone, not hearing her answer anymore and gigantic laugh escaped his mouth as he threw the phone at table and stood up.

Crushing his cigarette in ash try, buttoning up his black coat that fit perfectly upon his build up body, he marched out of the office, leaving the exquisite office in sheer silence.
Author's note:
Beautiful people,
If you loved reading that please vote and comment or if there's any issue in that let me know for my improvement.
Enjoy reading.
Stay beautiful.
Ibtisam Fatima.

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