She practically ran to the elevator after texting Elena what had happened and to apologise to Constance for having to rush out like that. He was awake. Not just weaned off the machines and breathing by himself, he was awake! She got up to his floor in no time and headed straight for his room. Jordan was just stepping out with Nas.

"Damn you were fast." Jordan chuckled. "He's wide awake and wants to see you. Lex is in there for the moment but I think she has to go soon. Nas is taking me down to the trap to go over everything with me before he leaves."

"You're leaving?"

Nasir nodded. "As much as I'd love to stay longer, business needs me back home."

"Well hopefully I'll get to see you again sometime. Thanks for everything."

"No, thank you. You saved my brother's life with your quick thinking, not to mention you being hurt in the process yet still going above and beyond. You're a friend in my eyes regardless of what our backgrounds are like."

The three exchanged a few more words before going their separate ways - the boys heading out and Gianna stepping into Devonte's hospital room. Alexis' head snapped to the door and she smiled seeing who it was before looking back at her cousin who was subtly smiling. She shook her head knowingly and stood up to greet her friend.

"It's thanks to you my cousin is here right now. Thank you Gianna, seriously. We are indebted to you."

Gia shook her head. "I need no thanks girl, I'm just glad that everyone is okay."

"Well I'll step out and leave you both. I have some tutorials to get to."

_ _ _

Gianna Romano

I watched Alexis leave before going over and taking a seat next to Von's bed. His face scrunched up as he turned his head to face me. He smiled weakly and was about to open his mouth to say something but all that came out were his hoarse coughs. I grabbed an unopened bottle of water that was inside my side bag and took the cap off before standing up, leaning over and carefully getting him to drink some down. When he was done, I capped the bottle and put it down on the table before propping him up a little and adjusting his pillows so he was comfortable.

Before either of us could say anything the doctor that had been looking after Devonte stepped into the room. He greeted me and then Von who just gave him a head nod in return.

"Well all your vitals are looking good Devonte and those wounds are healing up nicely. I spoke with Alexis on the way out and she said you were having trouble speaking. That's totally normal and will be for the first few hours to maybe a few days after just waking up."

"He is allowed to talk though, right? Like it's not going to effect anything?"

"He can try if he wants to. It's more so just maintaining moisture in the mouth, so drinking plenty of fluids is necessary."

I nodded. "Okay. And when will he be able to return home?"

"Well I'd advise he stay in here for at least another week so we can keep an eye on him, more so to assure that there is always a medical professional close by."

I glanced and back to the doctor. "If he were to go home tomorrow, what would need to be taken care of? I know a thing or two myself about medical care and I have plenty of friends who are professionally trained."

"Again, I would advise you against that but someone would need to be with him twenty four seven and they'd need to help him with showering and walking, not exactly holding him or anything but being close enough to hear him if he calls for help. If you were able to provide me with that reassurance then I would discharge him, but he does have to come back in a few weeks to get his stitches out and I'll be calling his caregiver once a week to make sure everything is going well."

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