You Are The Only One - Sergey Lazarev

Start from the beginning

They stood in silence again, listening intently. Moments after the strike, the thunder rolled in again, washing over the building. The gap between the two occurrences was shorter now.

Dream tensed, burrowing his nails into his biceps. A rogue shiver made its way up his spine, forcing the hair on his arms to stand up. George felt the tension seeping out of him as he scanned his eyes over Dream's face with a furrowed brow. He didn't ask, but Dream took pity on him regardless.

"...I'm not a fan of storms," he muttered.

George seemed to understand, nodding minutely and turning to lean against the window sill.

"That makes more sense," he smiled.

Dream sighed, studying the heavy cotton curtain beside him with immense interest. He didn't know why he felt so silly admitting such a thing— it's not like George cared about stuff like that.

"What, why are you blushing all of a sudden?" George teased, a smirk replacing his understanding smile.

"Well, I'm— I—" Dream stuttered, shrugging his shoulders in an attempt to look nonchalant, "it's just kinda embarrassing..."

"No, it's not," George shook his head, "you don't have to worry."

"You're probably gonna tease me about this forever."

"God, Dream, I joke around, but I'm not mean," George chuckled. "I'm not gonna make fun of you for having a fear."

Dream giggled, slightly releasing his grip on his skin.

"Do you want to tell me what exactly bothers you? Maybe we can sort this out."

"Don't you have to code today?" Dream asked, remembering that George probably had more important things to attend to.

"It can wait," the brunet brushed him off. "I wouldn't be able to work seeing you suffer, anyway."

Dream smiled, turning around to sit on the sill beside George. He exhaled, pursing his hands over his lap. The glass felt cold on his back, but it didn't comfort him the way George's palm did. He chewed his cheek again, looking to George for confirmation before speaking.

"I hate everything about it," Dream mumbled. "It just makes me shiver; it makes me feel like the world is ending."

George nodded reassuringly beside him, urging him to continue.

"It's not even the sound that bothers me. Like, I'm not afraid of fireworks, even though they're equally loud— fireworks are man-made and we can control them. I'm also not phased by videos of lightning; they're not lethal, and they're obviously in the past because they've been filmed. But when thunder and lightning are happening in real time right above my head, we're... completely dependent on nature."

Behind him, another flash momentarily streaked into the room. Dream braced himself, forcing his tongue to keep speaking.

"It's wild and unpredictable. It's, like, one wrong move and I'm going to die. But the worst part—"

A boom thundered in from the north, rattling the window slightly.

"That," Dream mumbled, pushing himself off the sill. "That's the worst fucking part. I hate it."

He put his hands on his hips, facing the inside of the room. Behind him, George rose and drew the curtains closed, effectively blocking out the view of the outside world.

"It makes my bones shake in the most disgusting way," Dream shivered. "It just proves that there's nowhere to hide; nowhere you can be safe. Whatever I do, it'll get to me. It'll rummage through my house, force its way under my skin..."

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