A boy from another school

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"Lils, that guy is staring at you," Mary giggled, gesturing to the tall, rugged boy sitting behind her. Lily looked eagerly over her shoulder and blushed when she caught his intense gaze. She waved, and he took it as an invitation to walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit opposite to her.
"I'm Derek Wayne," he said in an American accent, softly laced with another, one Lily couldn't quite place... "And vot is your name?" He asked Lily, his dark eyes focused on her only. She blushed again, "I'm Lily Evans. Nice to meet you." She stuck out her arm, her ears turning pink. His gloved hand engulfed her, and he smiled. "I hope ve shall be good friends."
Lily had never laughed so much in all her years at Hogwarts, as Derek called over more of his friends from the Hufflepuff table, and spent the evening entertaining the three girls. They were slightly older than them, by about two years, but they were a very jolly bunch. They all expressed their delight at staying at Hogwarts, owing to the fact that their school was rather chilly and empty during the winters.
"Do you play Qvidditch?" Derek asked Lily curiously, at which she snorted. "I don't like it a lot, I'm sorry. I don't know how to fly very well," she shrugged, at which all the boys looked at her in shock. "I vill teach you how to fly," Derek promised, "You vill love Qvidditch, trust me. The feeling of being suspended in air as you fly over the lakes and valleys...."  "I've been trying to get her to play forever; it would be a wonder if you manage to teach her," Mary said frustratedly. Somehow, she believed Derek might not have to work so hard to persuade Lily to do anything, really.
As one of the boys said something extremely funny, Lily let out a bout of raucous laughter, which did not go unnoticed by a certain dark haired boy with hazel eyes.
"Who is that?" He said venomously, glaring at the blonde boy who kept staring at her. "Looks like a bloated flobberworm." Sirius observed nonchalantly. "Why is she talking to him?" he muttered, as Lily laughed yet again. "I don't know, because Dumbledore told us to make 'connections' with the 'foreigners'? What do you care anyway?"
"I like to have my options open."
"James, lying to me is useless."
Remus had been listening to the conversation quietly, and now added his own two cents, "Don't you think it's a little unfair that you just agreed to show around that french girl but you expect Lily to be pure as freshly driven snow? James, she doesn't want to go out with you, but she might want to go out with others. You have to move on." James sighed, "There's nothing to move on from. I don't fancy her, how thick are you? I'm just having some fun."
"I vill see you tomorrow, Lily."
"All right, goodnight, Derek."
Lily and Derek left for their respective sleeping quarters and were instantly bombarded by their friends. "Merlin, Lily! You have him wrapped around your finger!" Mary squealed, as Lily rolled her eyes. "Bugger off, Mary. It's nothing like that, really. I just want to be friends with him." "He doesn't seem to want to be just friends with you," Alice sent Mary a knowing look as they both burst into giggles. "Have you had too much Butterbeer?" Lily asked them derisively. "Besides, it's too soon to be thinking about this sort of thing anyway..."
"Oh my dear, sweet Lily. How long will you use that excuse? It's fourth year! My dad said he started fancying mum in third year and she agreed to go out with him next year." Mary giggled girlishly. "Come on, Lils! If he's a prat, then you can cut him loose! You've got dozens of boys lining up anyway," Alice winked slyly. "I haven't got 'dozens of boys lining up'," Lily said defensively, "Who would even want to go out with me?" Mary and Alice both sang in unison, "Potterrrr!" Lily slapped a hand on her forehead, "Of course! I completely forgot about the love of my life, Potter! Oh dear me, however did I even think about going out with Derek?" Her sarcasm made both Alice and Mary laugh, until a silky voice said, "Oh, Evans, if only you would admit your love for me!"
She turned around so fast, the ends of her shiny red hair whipped James' cheek. He smirked, "I keep catching you admitting your feelings for me, why don't you just give in? Come on, Evans. Go out with me." He smiled self-assuredly, sure that his intense gaze and lovable smirk would do the trick, and was very surprised when something else happened entirely. "I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man on earth," she hissed, walking away from him with burning cheeks.

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