The fifth Marauder

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Lily had been feeling odd lately, as though the ground under her feet had disappeared. She did not realise how much of her time had gone into looking down on James' mischief, but now that it wasn't anywhere to be found, she felt bored. It had taken some getting used to, seeing James, a responsible Quidditch Captain, a hardworking student, a polite classmate and a humorous friend. Lily had a hard time connecting him with the old James, picking fights and trying to appear suave, and sometimes she felt like it was a whole different person. She actually thought— to her astonishment and disgust— that he was cool now. Somehow the effortlessness of his look made him seem that much more attractive.... at least, that's what Marlene said, not Lily.

In other news, she had developed an unlikely acquaintance with Sirius Black, a remainder of the old James's era, and it was an acquaintance that had been formed with a true show of loyalty:

One day, Lily had been walking back from Potions class, nose buried in her copy of Hogwarts: a History when Bellatrix Black materialised behind her.

"Hello, hello little mudblood," she breathed into the girl's ear, startling her. But Lily maintained her composure and retorted, "Well, hello, Bellatrix. Still upset Malfoy went for your sister and not you?" Bellatrix giggled, a glint behind her eye, "Ooh, I like you, Evans. We might have been friends, even, if people like you didn't pollute thr magical community. What are your parents, salespeople?" Lily chose to ignore the comment and continued walking, when her annoying shadow caught up with her.

"You know, your precious Sev told us everything about you. Where you live, your pathetic wizard-hating Muggle sister...." Bellatrix grinned, showing her shiny teeth, "It would really help the Dark Lord, don't you think?"

A chill ran up Lily's spine as she choked on the words and as Bellatrix watched with grim satisfaction, a smooth voice behind them caused them to stop.

"Howdy there, Bella," Sirius called, tipping an imaginary hat, "I heard you fancy Lestrange. I didn't know you liked slimy little creatures. I heard the Giant Squid is free? But then again, he might not like you, I heard he hates filthy death eaters." He grinned, his little ramble sounding much more comic than insulting.

"Ugh, Sirius," Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "Still hiding behind Potter's skirts? Your mother always knew you were a weakling. She burned you off the tapestry, you know."

"Oh thank god, I hated my name on the disgusting thing, anyway."

Bellatrix seethed with quiet fury as her beautiful, dark features contorted in half-madness, "Dear cousin, it is things like these, protecting pathetic mudbloods, that'll get you killed at the hands of the Dark Lord. For instance, I heard you refused to learn unforgivable curses that mum taught the rest of us. Let me show you," she smirked, "Crucio!"


Bella froze as her curse died in her throat, when a tall boy came up to her still body and looked at her in disgust.

"She was going to perform the crucio curse on you?" James asked Lily with thinly veiled horror, his anger becoming more pronounced as Lily nodded. "Thank you," she said softly to them both, perhaps more to James than Sirius, but they both simply nodded grimly.

"You've got one dysfunctional family, mate," James said, ruffling his friend's hair. "Well, what can I say, I guess the gorgeous apple fell very far from the stupid tree." Sirius laughed at his little joke and looked at Lily. "I don't think we've met properly, Miss Evans," he held out a hand with a small scar on it. Lily rolled her eyes and shook it, "Yes we have, Mister Black, you fancy my best friend." James chuckled and Sirius shook his hair, "Oh, I cannot be tied down by a certain, ballsy friend of yours... I'm a wild stallion, see."

As useless banter was exchanged, Lily never quite talked directly to James and neither did he, for it suddenly felt different to be in each others' presence. So, when Sirius remarked, "I'll leave you two lovebirds, 'cause I have Transfiguration now. Enjoy your date, children," Lily actually blushed, and tried hard to hide it with her red hair (but James had already seen her like cheeks and had to refrain from smirking proudly).

So it was in the sixth year that Lily Evans began her journey of incorporating herself with the Marauders- something that a certain member found disastrously delightful.

Hello! I'm really sorry for the late update but I've been under tremendous pressure lately.
Exams, choosing a career, low self esteem, disappointed parents and teachers, pressure and whatnot. You know, the life of every high schooler. I have exams till June so I might not be as regular in posting but I sincerely hope you judge my book by it's content and not the time it takes to write it (writers block, here I come).

Thank you so much for your patience, everyone, and I absolutely love everyone who's been supporting me and keeping up the number of reads, comments and votes.

Eva (yup that's my name).

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