Mapping Hogwarts

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James had a brilliant idea. It was probably mad, would get them in trouble and entailed recklessness and stupidity, but it was brilliant. The idea started off as a passing thought and grew into a fully-fledged plan that he couldn't stop thinking about.

"Wormy," he whispered, ripping open the hangings around Peter's bed. Peter shrieked in fright and made James hang upside down with a small non-verbal spell."Nicely done," James grinned, "But I'm going to need you to put me down; I have something to discuss with you."

After James was back on his feet and had explained his idea, Peter's wheels began to turn. "Well," he said, eyebrows knitting together, "Don't you think if somebody wanted to map Hogwarts, they would've done it by now?" James sighed, "They didn't have the Invisibility Cloak, wandering around nearly every night since first year, now, did they? I tell you, we know every inch of Hogwarts by heart."

Peter shrugged. "It's a good plan, but you should ask Remus first. You know he's the expert on these things."

"It's impossible," Remus sighed, when James and Peter questioned him at supper. "Hogwarts has had some truly bright witches and wizards. If it could be mapped, it would've--"

"Yes," James interrupted him, as Peter smirked in victory, "But they didn't have the resources and an endless amount of time to research it."

Remus shook his head, "Hogwarts is designed like this to be un-mappable. D'you really think somebody made the twisting staircases and hallways that change, just for fun?"

James shrugged, "Looks like a batty Ravenclaw's idea of fun."

"Look, James--"

"Moony, I swear, I could walk these hallways blindfolded," James bore his eyes into Remus's, "It's not just the cloak. We've been hanging around Hogsmeade every month, remember?" Remus's lip turned upwards, despite himself. "We've found seven secret passages," he whispered, "Don't you think Ogg knows about some, too?" Peter added, "That's why he can get around so fast! I swear, I saw him in the Divination Tower, and the next thing I know, he's right next to me in front of the old hump-backed witch. That was one too, innit?"

James nodded and Remus sighed in defeat. "All right," a glint entered his eyes, "But it'll require a ton of work in the library. It's really a lot of snooping we're doing."

And so began the impossible task, a task no one had yet achieved in the history of the best magical school in Britain, a task they undertook with great determination. After all, four teenagers that had turned Animagi under the noses of their teachers, could achieve anything.

"Brilliant," beamed Sirius, when he was let in on the secret, "But what about a spelled map?"

"What?" Remus frowned.

"I mean, a map's good and everything, but what about a map that tells us where everyone is? D'you know what a pain it is to avoid teachers when you're coming out of a secret passage? Or when you're under the invisibility cloak?"

James nodded fervently, "It would be a huge achievement if we did it."

Peter gaped, "That's impossible..."

Remus stayed deep in thought for a few moments. "I think you might be onto something..... Binns has been talking about spelled maps from ancient Egypt; I think the same spell that makes pictures move in the daily prophet could work. We'd have to find the identification charm, of course...."

This task united the Marauders in the same way the Animagi project had, except now, they had Remus' help too. Dark circles under tired eyes and careless clothing were a mark of their commitment to the project. 

James was, perhaps, more invested in it than the others. Truthfully, he had only convinced the others to complete his own ulterior motives. This near-impossible task gave him something to do, something to take his mind off of day-to-day life. He now had no time for idle gossip and his ears could not comprehend much about the new, steady couple of Hogwarts.

Sirius, too, was throwing himself mercilessly into research, to avoid any thoughts about his family. He had gotten news that his Uncle Alfred had passed away (much to the joy of his mother), and his only companion in the family was lost. Andromeda had left Hogwarts in the middle of her seventh year to marry Ted Tonks, the Muggle, and to join the Order of the Phoenix, a secret rebel society, formed by Dumbledore, against the Dark Lord. Sirius had never felt so completely outside of his family before.

He had also heard that his name (along with Andromeda's) had been burnt off the family tapestry. This tidbit of news brought a smile to his face. So his mother had finally disowned him and his cousin. Good for her. To his surprise, Uncle Alph had also been burnt off, because he had left Sirius a lot of money, it seemed. His irritation with his family grew with each issue of the Daily Prophet reporting their 'generous deeds to the community', until he couldn't bear to be associated with the lot of them. He snapped at a very clueless Lily for calling him 'Black', as she usually did, and apologised when a steely look came into her eyes. 

"You can call me Padfoot, instead," he placated her, when she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her wand menacingly. "Padfoot?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow, "What's that?" Sirius waved his hand, "It's what James, Remus and Peter call me. It's a better name than that arrogant family name, anyway."

So, you can imagine what a shock it was for the rest of the Marauders when Lily began calling Sirius by their most secret code name: padfoot. He smiled a secret smile every time the word rolled off her tongue carelessly, not knowing the significance behind it. James looked at Sirius accusingly, who just shrugged and went back to his Potions homework.

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