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Hey everyone, I'm the author. Just wanted to let you know: I'm not writing this as a proper novel or anything, it's just a small James/Lily compilation to give myself that closure and satisfaction, as we were given just a sliver of their story and left wanting more.

I don't want to insult JK Rowling or the Harry Potter series by having my writing published and associated with the series as a part of it, because, frankly, that is completely eternal. The Cursed Child was enough of a tragedy. 

My story is completely different, like Fantastic Beasts. It has nothing to do with the trio, with any of them. It's just my thought process. If it ever does get published or anything (hahaha who am I kidding), it shouldn't be associated with the HP series. If it's too cringey, you can leave it be; just my little personal project and a way to connect with people like me.

Love you all <3

I hope you like it.

If you read it and like it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. It feels nice to hear those things. Comment, vote or whatever. 

Thank you for deciding to read it; you won't be disappointed (I hope).

Constructive feedback is always welcome.

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