Ch 6: chest pains

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I used quotes from 'tfios' I just couldn't help my self
Also an apology my phone was being a little bitch and kept turning off so I had to re write this like 3 times that's why it's late
*1 week later*

Harry gasped now fully awoken by the strong pain in his chest it was like the pins and needle affect you get after your foot falls asleep and you try to walk accept this felt much worst, this was much more painful. He panted fisting up the bed sheets as he let tears of sadness and anger fall down his cheeks 'If boo was here he'd know what to do' he thought to himself he missed Louis so much and it made him so sad and depressed that he and louis couldn't be together words couldn't explain how he felt but he was angry that he let them tear them apart like that so fast and quick, so easily. He tried once again but failed miserably at trying to get himself out of bed. He took a deep breath and managed to stand up but only to fall to the floor in an instant his heart beating in his throat the taste of blood in his mouth. He gasped as his body shook his lips a light pink-purple slightly chapped, blood dripping to the floor. He didn't know what was going on and he couldn't really place a finger on it but he knew that if he didn't get to a phone quick he'd die tonight. Harry looked around from his helpless spot on the floor unable to move 'how the hell am I going to get to a fucking phone' he asked him self. He panted heavily trying to fill his lungs with air but the air just wouldn't come he panted laying his head on the floor giving up 'life's not worth it if I'm not with you any ways Louis' and that's when everything went black.


Zayn chuckled "come on babe its chilly out today" he pulled Liam into Harry's apartment. Liam groaned pouting because Zayn had interrupted him from catching a snowflake in his mouth. He sighed closing the door behind him "go wake him love Im gonna go make us some tea" Liam smiled softly walking into the kitchen as Zayn ran up the stairs with the breakfast burritos from nandos (a/n: sadly we don't have one around here so idk if they even have breakfast burritos lol ) in his hand he walked into Harry's bedroom the door slightly agape "Mate I know your bummed but you gotta get out of bed- LIAM!" Zayn screamed towards the end in horror as he saw Harry's body laying lifeless on the ground the bag in his hands dropped to the floor spilling the contents inside Zayn ran over to harry checking for a pulse or any sign of life. He sighed in relief when he felt the faint pulse and shallow breathing of his fellow bandmate. Liam came bursting through the door "what's wrong- Zayn we need to get him to a hospital!" Liam helped Zayn carry Harry out into the back seat of Zayn's car.

They had no idea what would become of they're lives but they would very soon learn that pain demands to be felt.


I know it's a very short and crappy chapter and very late and that I yet again was late updating its just hard sometimes to keep up school's being a huge stressful bitch as always then on top of that im not feeling myself lately it's just some personal problems im going through but I promised I wouldn't give up on this book and that's the last thing I'll do! Also sorry for the mini rant 😁

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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