07. Familiar Warmth

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Zhao Yunlan arrived at front of High School building in Bei City. He woke up early this morning and hurriedly went to Bei City. He didn't want Yezun to know about his plan so he just left a small note on Yezun's bedside table. He made this decision last night that he wanted to do this. He wanted to find the truth whether Shen Wei wants it or not. For him, his past is important also he didn't want to fight his feeling anymore. He indeed felt something since the first time he met Shen Wei and somehow he was relieved when he knew that Shen Wei was the man from his past.

Actually, it wasn't necessary to find their past since they already knew and recognized each other. But suddenly Shen Wei changed his mind and wanted to stop. Zhao Yunlan didn't understand the reason behind it and just wanted to find out about their past to fulfill his curiously but last night Zhang Kylin called him and told him everything. Now he had another reason why he should find out about their truth.

Zhang Kylin told Zhao Yunlan about how Shen Wei's family treated Shen Wei. How Shen Wei's family abandoned the young boy since Shen Wei woke up from coma after the accident, also how Shen Wei's family hid everything from Shen Wei. Then Zhao Yunlan remembered all that Yezun said to him and somehow it was different from Shen Wei's version, especially Yezun never mentioned about Shen Wei even for once. At first, Zhao Yunlan believed everything that Yezun said to him since he was also lost his memories and all his family and Yezun's family told him the same version. But after hearing Shen Wei's version, he started to believe Shen Wei. He didn't know the reason, he just wanted to do it, his heart wanted to believe it.

Zhao Yunlan double-checked the address that Zhang Kylin gave to him and he indeed was in the right place. After got the permission to enter the building (Thanks to his badge) Zhao Yunlan started to check what is inside the building.

The hallway indeed felt familiar for him, tho some of lockers had changed into brand new and a lot of facility had changed but the winds and the atmosphere was still the same for Zhao Yunlan as if he was there before. Zhao Yunlan saw a stairs and he immediately remembered about his dream when he gave Shen Wei a promise ring. Without wasting more times, Zhao Yunlan climbed up the stairs until the very top, he arrived at the rooftop and suddenly fell down from the corner of his eyes.

Tho so many thing had changed from this school but the rooftop and the view remained the same. From the rooftop he could see a church that was not far away from the school also the view of the mountain behind it. Zhao Yunlan saw the wall on the left side, he walked closer and pushed a metal box that so rusty maybe because that metal box was so old and no one touched it. After cleaning some dirt from the wall behind the metal box, Zhao Yunlan saw a handwriting, that he knew exactly who was the owner of that handwriting. It was his handwriting.

"Zhao Yunlan will marry Shen Wei in 10 years from now" Zhao Yunlan read the vow that he wrote 10 years ago "I'm sorry Xiao Lan, it's been 10 years but I haven't marry him since we both separated for so long" Zhao Yunlan couldn't hold back his tears. Actually this was the first time he cried, he didn't know why but his heart was so hurt at that time "Xiao Lan, my heart is so hurt, you were really loved Xiao Wei back then, I'm sorry"


Shen Wei kept looking at his phone even though he had a lot of work to do. Shen Wei couldn't stay at his apartment and decided to go to work but still, he couldn't focus at his work at all. The main reason was because of Zhao Yunlan also the suspicious Zhang Kylin. He didn't know what they were up to.

To be honest, Shen Wei was afraid, not because of Zhao Yunlan and their past but afraid of the aftermath of that, especially after he found out the fact that Yezun is Zhao Yunlan's fiancée. He was afraid of his family's reaction if someday Zhao Yunlan changed and leave Yezun.

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