04. Another Truth

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It’s been 2 days and Zhao Yunlan couldn’t stop thinking about Shen Wei

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It’s been 2 days and Zhao Yunlan couldn’t stop thinking about Shen Wei. Why? The reason is he kept dreaming about Shen Wei in the past 2 days. It was like watching the younger version of himself along with Shen Wei doing this and that. He also remembered that Shen Wei called him Ah Lan in his dream. And from those dreams Zhao Yunlan concluded that they were boyfriends. 

But the question is, was that dream really occurred in real life? Zhao Yunlan couldn’t confirm that because he never met Shen Wei before. Tho, a huge doubt started to rise within himself since he knew that he also couldn’t remember his past. No one knew about his amnesia except his parents, his fiancé and the parents of his fiancé. They tried so hard to hide about Zhao Yunlan’s amnesia. 

Zhao Yunlan came from a noble family. They are very rich and also famous, of course the family has many competitors in business, if their competitors know something happened to Zhao Yunlan, the only heir of the family, they surely use that fact against The Zhao Family. Tho, Zhao Yunlan chose different path of career, still he is known as the heir of Zhao Family. 

Since Zhao Yunlan is not really interested in business, his parents had to do something to keep their business, therefore his parents arranged Zhao Yunlan’s marriage. they knew that their son was a gay and they didn’t mind that fact, so they made a plan with their best friend who was also had gay son.  Currently Zhao Yunlan is a suitor of a man that also very success in business despite he is very young like at the same age with Zhao Yunlan. Fortunately that Zhao Yunlan really loves this man. 

Of course according to his parents because he wasn’t sure actually. He woke up from his coma 2 years after his accident. He didn’t remember anything but then a young man came to his ward and told him that he was Zhao Yunlan’s fiancé. At first Zhao Yunlan’s didn’t believe it but his parents confirmed that. Also this man showed Zhao Yunlan their engagement ring with initials Z and S carved in that ring. Tho Zhao Yunlan didn’t feel anything but his fiancé was very patient person that he was okay with Zhao Yunlan’s condition and the possibility of the change of Zhao Yunlan’s feeling. It took him a lot of times to accept his fiancé but then after awhile he learned to love his fiancé. 

Zhao Yunlan built back his life with the help of his fiancé and also entered police academy and became one of the best student that graduated from the academy. He took a year as junior officer then got promoted to the senior officer and became one of the youngest detective in the bureau. 

So, his life had been perfect until he met Shen Wei and he felt strange feeling also those dreams. He was back to his doubt. He tried so hard to find the answer but he failed. Zhao Yunlan couldn’t help it therefore this morning, he was standing in the front of apartment building. He needed to talk with Shen Wei but he didn’t know which floor Shen Wei’s apartment is. He came early morning so he was so sure that Shen Wei would eventually came down because he knew that Shen Wei had to work. 

After 15 minutes of waiting, Zhao Yunlan finally saw Shen Wei walked with a man who was wearing a black hoodie, they talked and laughed. Somehow a weird feeling started to grow in Zhao Yunlan’s heart, like he didn’t like to see Shen Wei talked so friendly also walked so close with the other man. But Zhao Yunlan ignored his weird feeling then approached Shen Wei who was also saw him coming. 

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