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SAPPHIRE LOOKED AT HER OPPONENT, not at all sure how she was supposed to defeat someone that had been here way longer than she had. She was still weak, she hadn't trained at all, but this was their test to see if the serum had done anything to her. She tried to tell them it hadn't, to not make her do this.

The girl Sapphire was going against had long brown hair, and narrowed eyes. She was fighting to live, just like Sapphire was. Sapphire looked around, her lip curling into a snarl as she looked at the agents who were watching, smirks on their faces as they placed a bet on who they thought would win. And before Sapphire knew it, the fight had been started.

Her opponent, Grace, lunged towards her, punching her hard in the face and kicking her in the stomach, sending her stumbling backwards. Before Sapphire could even steady herself, another punch was being thrown at her as well as another kick that sent her to the ground. Her head bounced off of the floor, making her let out silent groans of pain. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her jaw was clenched as she tried to make the pain subside. And suddenly she could feel Grace standing over top of her, ready to go for the girl and something inside of Sapphire clicked, and she suddenly felt like a different person. And once she opened her eyes, she was. Almost.

She caught the wrist of Grace, a knife clenched in her hand. Grace was surprised by this, and then she saw Sapphire's eyes and her own eyes widened. Sapphire cocked her head to the side, smirking slightly before shoving Grace away from her and standing up. Grace looked at the girl, twirling her knife in her hands and Sapphire just stood there, waiting. And then she lunged. Sapphire grabbed her arm, lifting it above her head as she sent a knee to Grace's stomach. Grace used her other hand to try and punch her, but Sapphire caught that wrist as well and tucked it under the elbow of Grace's other arm before she twisted around and allowed Grace's hand to fall. The action was so quick, that it caught the brunette off guard and she ended up scraping the knife against her skin.

She let out a hiss before going to turn on her heel only for Sapphire to send a kick to her back. It was a hard kick, one that sent Grace to the floor and making her knife lodge into her chest. Sapphire looked around, the agents all staring at her in shock and surprise, and then Sapphire's eyes stopped glowing. She let out a deep breath, falling to her knees in surprise as the adrenaline left her body. She wasn't fully aware to what had happened, but she quickly found out when she saw the pool of blood that fell from Grace's body. A hand fell over her mouth as tears filled her eyes. She did that. She didn't mean to. And she knew that she had shown them something she wasn't aware of. How could she tell that? By the wide and achieved smirks that covered the HYDRA agents' faces.


Another month had been added on since she had last seen her sister. And she found herself burying herself in her work in order to keep her mind off of it. She knew she was worrying people, but she couldn't help it. Jemma was worried for her older sister, and her hope was dwindling day by day, but she would promise herself she would hold on. She knew her sister had to be out there, she would know if she wasn't. Right?

Jemma continued to write down equations, spinning around just in time for Fitz to stop her from ramming in to him. She let out a breath, smiling up at her friend. "Fitz," She breathed. She then moved around him, going to the other side of the table to use the microscope.

"Simmons." He greeted in response, watching her carefully before starting his own work as well. "How are you?"

Jemma paused, glancing up at him before looking back down and shrugging her shoulders. "I'm alright. How are you?"

"Good as well." He nodded. She nodded in response. There was a silence as they both continued to quietly work. It was a few minutes before Fitz finally decided to break it. "Jemma. . ."

"Don't." Jemma denied, shaking her head. "Don't talk about it, Fitz. Please."

"What you're doing is unhealthy-"

"Can you blame me?" She asked, frowning slightly.

"I know that you need space." Fitz assured her. "I'm just looking out for you."

"Well, there's no need. Because I am perfectly fine." Jemma assured. Fitz looked at her, unsure and she let out a soft sigh. "You have to trust me, Fitz."

"I do."

"Good." She smiled.

Suddenly Maria Hill entered the room, grabbing both of the scientists attention. Jemma would be lying if she said a spark of hope hadn't fueled her. Maria let out a soft sigh. "We've located another base, however she wasn't in the last one."

Jemma struggled from keeping the frown from falling on her face. Instead, she offered a weak smile and nodded her head. Maria gave her a reassuring look before turning on her heel and walking back out. Fitz looked back towards his friend, watching as she stared blankly at the place Maria Hill once stood. And as soon as a single tear fell from her eye, he rushed over to her and caught her from falling backwards as she allowed the sobs to leave her lips.

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