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SAPPHIRE BLINKED RAPIDLY UNTIL SHE finally was able to see the ceiling that was placed above her head. Her neck ached from the needle that had been lodged into it, matter of fact her entire body ached. The girl let out a groan before she sat up. She noticed that all of her weapons were gone and that she was in a blank white cell. A scowl fell on her lips and she forced herself up. She already knew there was no way out, so she went for banging her fists on the door to her cell.

"Hey! Assholes! I'm wide awake, and I'm ready to kick your asses!" Sapphire shouted, her jaw clenching in anger. She wasn't going to stay here. Not if she could help it. Of course, she didn't know that she had been moved to a completely different HYDRA facility that was no where near S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar. She took a step back when she heard the outside door handle turn. She held her fist up and as soon as the door opened, she threw her fist back, punching the man in the face. She need him in the groin, taking his neck in her hands and slamming his head onto her knee before flipping him over her shoulder resulting in him being knocked out.

She quickly grabbed the wrist of another agent, twisting it until it snapped and his gun fell from his hands. She didn't have time to pick it up seeing as soon as she slammed the man into the wall, another one was on her, and he was good. The two fought, blocking each others hits until finally Sapphire kicked his legs from under him and punched him in the nose before taking the knife from his belt and stabbing him in the thigh and leaving it there, not caring about his cries of agony as she continued down the hall.

More continued to come at her, and she continued to fight them off until two managed to get their arms around her and seduce her. She fell limp in their arms and they quickly dragged her into a new room. This time when the brunette woke up, she was restrained. Her teeth clenched together as she jerked at the restraints.

"My, you are a stubborn one aren't you?" The scientist from before entered the room, looking at the girl with admiration. "I never introduced myself."

"I'd rather you still not do so." Sapphire spat as he came to stand at her side. He smiled widely at this, but decided to ignore her comments.

"Dr. Oblonsky." He introduced himself. "And your name?"

"Go to hell." She scowled.

"Now, Sapphire, that's not very nice."

"Neither is you kidnapping me, but here we are." She retorted, her eyes narrowing in on the man. He chuckled lightly at this, smiling at the girl.

"I like you."

"I can't say the feelings are mutual." She muttered. He walked around her, going over to the metal table Sapphire hadn't even realized was there. The ice blue serum that has been sent to retrieve laid there on the table, as well as an empty syringe. The man continued to talk to her as he had his back turned to her.

"You know, I would have possibly let you off easy at first, because these are pretty painful. But after you knocked down three of my best agents, I can't say I'm going to do that." He picked up the syringe before grabbing a vial of the serum. He filled the syringe with the serum, flicking the needle before turning around to look at the girl. Her eyes were trained on the needle. If there was one thing she was scared of, it was needles. She hated them, always has, always will.

"That's a lie, doc, and we both know it." Sapphire told him, glancing at him before her eyes fell back on the syringe.

"I was trying to be optimistic."

"You and I have a very different definition of that word." Sapphire said to herself.

"I'm sure we do, agent." The doctor smiled. He was now standing right beside of her and Sapphire's hands clenched into fists, her teeth clashing together violently. He gave her another smile before he spoke once more. "This might hurt a little," He warned before placing the needle into her arm and injecting the serum inside of her blood stream. Almost immediately Sapphire let out pained screams.

Her veins felt like the were melting from her body, the lined blood stream turning completely into ash. However, the fire quickly turned to ice and that seemed to hurt ten times more. She cried out, thrashing against the restraints. Tears pooled in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She was already giving the scientists his satisfaction with her horrifying screams, she didn't need to add her crying to his ego that she could feel growing the longer she continued to scream.

Finally, once her throat was raw and dry and her lungs no longer being able to handle the torture, she stopped screaming. The serum finished its coarse and Dr. Oblonsky smiled in satisfaction. Sapphire felt so weak, her body wanted to cave in on itself the longer she laid there, her chest rapidly going up and down.

"Well, I believe that went well." He smiled before nodding towards the guards. She was taken from her restraints and dragged back to her cell. She was thrown roughly inside, the door closing violently. Sapphire laid there, curled into a ball. When she was sure she was alone she let the silent tears fall from her eyes. If only she knew how much worse it was going to get.

As she laid there, she couldn't help but think about what her sister was doing. The thought of Jemma working in her lab, laughing with Fitz made her lip twitch. Exhaustion took over the girl and she found herself falling asleep, lying on the hard floor and the freezing room.

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