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JEMMA TRIED TO EXPLAIN IT to her, but the look on Sapphire's face was completely blank, showcasing her confusion. She tried again and got the same the reaction. She tried to explain it an easier way, picking apart each little detail, and yet Sapphire just stood there with her lips pursed and eyebrows raised in confusion. Eventually, the younger Simmons gave up, sighing as she shook her head. She didn't understand how she and Sapphire were related whatsoever. Jemma licked her lips, placing one hand on her hip and the other flat on the table as she stared at Sapphire, watching her study the results.

     "Yeah, no, I still don't get it."

     "Are you sure you aren't adopted?" Fitz questioned, narrowing his eyes slightly.

     "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised." Sapphire hummed. "Just tell me, is this good or is this bad."

     "That depends on how you define good or bad." Jemma answered her.

     "I define it as am I going to die?"

     "Well then, no, it's not bad."

     Sapphire nodded. "Well, look at that, it's a miracle." She turned her head to look at Daisy. "She brought good news."


     Daisy held up a finger. "Don't even start." She looked towards Jemma. "So, what you're telling us, is that there's nothing bad going on in her DNA. It's just changed and mutated a little with the whole experiment thing." Jemma nodded in confirmation. "So, what did we witness when she changed? Why the sudden change in personality?"

     Jemma sighed, reaching over and changing the screen, revealing two different sets of DNA. "It seems that not only has your DNA changed and mutated, but you yourself have. It's like there's another person living inside of you. Now, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. I have a theory. I think this other version of you comes out whenever you're anxious or angry, not necessarily when you use your powers."

     "Are you telling me we have a Willow Michaels situations on our hands?" Fitz asked, trying his best not to sound panicked. They all knew the story of Willow Michaels. The woman who had a thing incredibly dark living inside of her, taking control of her body whenever it pleased.

     Jemma shook her head immediately, seeing the frown start to fall onto her sister's face. "No, no, it's not like that. See this other part of you, it's not alien. The only thing it has control over is your emotions which drive your powers. Again, all of this is just a theory. I don't have the right tests to prove whether or not that's true."

     Sapphire swallowed thickly, the thought of being picked and prodded with needles again made her jaw clench. But Sapphire knew that she had to know every little detail. It would itch at her not to know, and she thought way too much. She didn't want to over think and scare herself back into the point of not wanting to tell everyone else what HYDRA has made of her. Her lips ran dry, causing her to wet them, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "What will it take to know for sure?"

Jemma stared at her for a moment, glancing towards Daisy who had the same look as she did. Jemma didn't want to push her sister. She didn't want to do anything that Sapphire was uncomfortable with. But there was something dancing in her older sisters eyes, something Jemma had seen every time a new mission was handed to her. The determination, the desire to know everything that she possibly could. The brunette softly sighed, shaking her head.

     "Honestly, Saph, I don't know." Jemma answered her. "I don't know how many tests it's going to take. It might take a while. I'll have to study all the patterns, you'd have to actually get angry and allow that part of you to escape whilst other people are watching. I know you're not comfortable with half of this stuff, so we don't have to do it." She reached forwards, placing a hand over her sisters. "We know enough, Sapphire. We know that it's not going to kill you, and that's enough." She nodded her head in reassurances. "That's enough."

     "But it isn't." Sapphire shook her head, staring down at the tablet, narrowing her eyes slightly. "It's not enough. We don't know enough. We don't know how I could react to certain things. We don't know what all I can do. I don't even know how to fully control it yet. We don't know enough so we're going to keep running tests until we do know enough, okay?" Her jaw was clenched, looking at what used to be her DNA compared to her new DNA that HYDRA had caused. She wanted to know everything, she wanted to be sure that she wasn't a danger and that she wouldn't hurt anyone that she loved.

     Daisy looked at Jemma, sharing a look with her before turning towards Sapphire. "Hey, come here." She gently grabbed Sapphire by the wrist, pulling her gently away from the table so that she could talk to her. Sapphire looked at her, Daisy offering her a small smile as she reached forwards, pushing the hair out of Sapphire's face. "Sapphire, are you sure about this? You've been through a lot, you don't need these extra tests just to show that you're not dangerous. I know that you're not, so does everyone else here."

     Sapphire looked at her for a moment, meeting Daisy's eyes before she shook her head. "You might know that, but I don't. I―︎" She paused, swallowing thickly. "I need to know that I'm not. I trust you, I do, but I can't walk around here like nothing happened to me. I don't know if I'm dangerous. And I can't━︎I can't risk hurting you. I can't risk hurting my baby sister who I've already hurt enough as it is."


     "Daisy, please." Sapphire cut her off. "I just have to be sure."

     Daisy looked at her for a moment before nodding her head. "Okay."

     Sapphire nodded, turning back towards her sister and Fitz. "Prepare whatever tests you need to prepare. I'll be back." And then she walked out of the lab, with Daisy sighing before following after her.

" And then she walked out of the lab, with Daisy sighing before following after her

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