Chapter 6: It's meant to be

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You and carl are dating now. You couldn't be more happier to be with him. You decide to go out and talk to Carl while he was out feeding the animals. "Hey carl, can i talk to you please?" You ask carl, "yea sure babe, is everything okay?" He asks you. "Yea babe everything is fine... Im sorry i acted like that towards you and that girl, i feel like you liked her and i just ruined it" you tell carl. "Babe, i didn't like her, i didn't even think about having feeling for her! The only person i was thinking about was you!!" He tells you while looking into your eyes, "then why were you always with her?" You ask him, " i was asking her of what kind of people were in her group and i was just wondering if they knew this location, and she would make fun of her captain thats why we were always laughing". "Oh, ok carl i understand, I'm sorry". Carl grabs you and looks into your eyes and says, "don't ever say your sorry again, you have nothing to be sorry for, i love you y/n and always will no matter what, until the day i die! I will still love you!". He kisses you. "Hey lovebirds i need your help!!" Daryl screams, You and carl start laughing. "What daryl!" You scream, "i need your romeo to help me push the fence up!" He tells you while laughing, you run to tell carl, "hey daryl needs your help to push up the fence!" "Okay babe" carl goes running to help and you go to watch. You and carl arrive where daryl is. Daryl and carl start to push the fence "agh!!!!!! This is too heavy!!" Carl screams to daryl "we just need to push harder!" Daryl screams "i already pushed the best i could!" Daryl sighs. "Hey juliet! Your romeo couldn't push can u help?!" You start to turn red because he called you juliet and carl romeo even though juliet wasn't your name haha. "Alright! Ready?!.....puuuuussshhhh!!!" You and daryl got to push the fence all the way up and carl was embarrassed because he couldn't push it but you could. "Hahahaha!! Your girlfriend is stronger than you!! Thats really impressive juliet!!" Carl gets red and so do you. "My name is y/n!! Not juliet daryl!!!" You scream to daryl. "Ok juliet!!!!" Carl grabs you from behind and kisses you and then you see he has something in his hand. "I know we have only been together for a couple of days but i want to be with you forever!" He kneels to the ground "y/n? Will you marry me? Will you be my Mrs.Grimes?" You start to cry. "yes!! I will carl!!!!" He kisses you then gives you a ring. You stay quiet...."carl where did you get this ring?" You ask him "i took it off a walker's hand why?" "My mom had this ring....can i see the walker please?" "Yea sure babe". He takes you to the walker, he got the ring from a walker inside a house. You guys arrive and you recognize the house, "i used to live here! Before the whole thing happened!!" Your voice starts to break. *walkers growl* you stare at the walker........"mom?" You whisper. "NO!!!!!!!" You fall to the ground and break into tears, carl grabs you and comforts you. You get the gun and shoot the walker who was once your mom. "Im sorry y/n I didn't know she was your mom!" Carl kisses your forehead and hugs you. "Do you want me to get you another ring?" "No carl my mom would have given me this ring anyways for the person i REALLY belong to! Maybe this IS a sign that we are meant to be together!!" You tell carl. You grab carl and kiss him, that night was the first time you guys made love. You guys decided to stay in the house which was once yours until the sun came back up.

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