8) Are They A Romantic Type Or Not

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Just a quick A/N guys! Sorry for the lack of updates I don't have much inspo lately and thanks for the requests! Currently I have 2 more to finish I haven't forgotten about them!
If you have amy request feel free to comment it or just dm me, but I'll make it after I finish these 2!

Might sound weird, but the much he's absolutely innocent baby he's also very romantic and would never disappoint you with his date ideas and gifts. Whenever you get mad at him (Very rarely) he would always make it up to you in the most loveable way.

He usually gives you :
- adorable photos of you two and your friends.
- cute matching bracelets that he made.
- walks in the forests or taking you wherever you want.
- huge teddy bears that he won for you at the amusement park (he wouldn't leave unless he gets it for you)

The tsundere he is he's not really romantic type, nor are you. You both were really edgy, but that never mattered to neither of you. Your presence was the thing you mostly enjoyed. Just knowing that you're there was enough.

He usually gives you:
- Cuddles while watching a lot of movies and eating snacks with him.
- Buying you TONS of clothes and you let him. style you and ALWAYS matching your outfits.
- Free food all the time.
- Making out in the back seats of the cinema.

Believe it or not, he's REALLY romantic. Because he's working all the time he barely gets time to rest or see you, but even though you missed him, you also support him which he highly appreciates.

He usually gives you:
- Romantic dinner that he cooked for you with candles at home.
- Takes a day or two to spend with you in any way you want.
- Huge bouquets of flowers every day after you come home from work.
- Planning holidays with you so you both can take break.

He's romantic and not romantic in the same time. He's just a perv. (Coochie mann 😺 LMAO. ) Perv or not you still loved him. He was your hero. He would give everything he has for you.

He usually gives you:
- Bed breakfast.
- Doing everything you want for you.
- Expensive jewelry for which you always scold him, but you're still really thankful.
- Taking you to highest class restaurants.

He's REALLY romantic. Sometimes he even gets things overdone and never disappoints. He'd always make sure you're fine with anything he does and is really overprotective for you, because you are his precious gem.

He usually gives you:
- Kisses all the time that he turns into makeouts. (Even on public, this guy has no shame.)
- Free training, because he want to see your limits, which is a challenge for him to resist from hurting you or his desires to fight.
- His makeouts sessions always turn into something more on which you cant resist.
- body & muscle aches and not being able to walk properly for a week 😌🤚

Absolutely not romantic lol. He clearly can't understand women and has to consult his mother all the time. He does his best to try to follow his mom's tips, but fails. You still appreciate his attempts and could never get mad at him for anything. He always makes it up to you since you're the only person that's clearly not scared of him.
He usually gives you:
- Cute kisses on your head, forehead or hands.
- Would massage your back whenever you want to.
- After missions you're the first person he goes to.
- Hugs from behind when you least expect it which makes you jump.
"Got you again."

YES, yes AND yes. This guy cleearly knows what he's doing. He can be always gentle or rough with you, depending on your mood. He's always careful not to offend you and would listen to your ideas all the time. You were the most precious treasure of his and his family with the troupe.

He usually gives you:
- Anything you want. Anytime. Anywhere.
- Super expensive jewelry.
- Hot baths with him and wine.
"Aww (Y/N), are you blushing?" - he caressed your cheek - "N-no! It's the wine, baka!"
- Silent makeouts at the public library (Another guy that has absolutely no shame)

No, no and no 🤍. He's not romantic at all. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love you though. For him you were the most wonderful gem that he couldn't replace for anything. You were the thing he loves the most, but he's not a fan of being so soft and expressing it that much. (gIRlY gIrL 😼) On anything else he's very direct at you.

He usually gives you:
- Compliments you all the time.
- He also lets you sit on his lap so he can hug you from behind.
- Teaches you to swordfight and self defense.
- Any of his lessons can quickly go wrong, but not in a bad way..

♡ HXH BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora