3) Their confession~

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Thanks Gon, you're really nice to me, why? "...
"Well, (Y/N). I-" - his eyes were shining and he was looking directly at you trying not to get himself distracted from your gaze. - "I- really.. Like you (Y/N)! And..it's okay if you don't like me back.." "Gon.." - you looked at him seriously which made him lower his head, but then you smiled brightly - "I actually like you too." - his head immediately popped back up and he smiled then he hugged you tightly which made you fall back - "(Y/N) (L/N).. Will you be officially my girlfriend?" "Of course Gon" - you smiled and pecked his nose.


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"Actually..I think we should do this more often because.." "Hmm.." - you looked at his shiny blue eyes - "I REALLY LIKE YOU BAKA!" - he blushed and ran out - "WAIT! KILL! I LIKE YOU TOO." - you chased out after him and he stopped and turned to face you. - "R.. Really..?" "Yeah.. Hehe.. You're such a tsundere! " - he giggled and you exchanged smiles and he hugged you - "Then will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!".

⛓️Kurapika:"Hey (Y/N)

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"Hey (Y/N). These are for you. Care to join me for a drive?" - you held the bouquet and blushed - "Sure.".. - you both got in his car and he drove away - "So where are we going Pika?" "To a very special place for me." - the ride was very quiet until you arrived to a hill with view to the city - "It's beautiful isn't it?" "Yeah the view is very nice, Pika" "It shines like your eyes (Y/N)" - you blushed and smiled at him - "Thanks for all the gifts Kurapika." "Of course and (Y/N).. Did you see the card in the bouquet?" "What? No.." - you started searching and found it then opened it and read it - Will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)? - you looked at him wide eyed and screamed - "Yes!!" - you hugged each other and stood in each other's embrace.

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