Ali went next, "Mine looks like a Joel."

   I got some courage and went to the bird. I pet his neck, noting how he has soft feathers.

   What should I name him? I ask Zayden.

   Something noble that will strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.

   I take a sharp intake of breathe, then quote the best cartoon, "Hey little guy. I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy."

   "Interesting name." A voice that came from Squishy said.

   I jump back, "He talked!"

   "They do, only to their owner." August lightly laughs at my face.

   "Kids you must understand, these aren't pets. They are warriors. Each has been trained specially to defend you. There will be a time when it's either them or you, it will be them who goes." Jupitar said.

   I direct my gaze at Squishy.

   "I would not give my life for any other." he said.

   That made up my mind right then and there. Squishy may be my protector, but I would do whatever it took to ensure his safety.

   This is brave of you little wave, but no life is greater than your own.


   Because I'm some powerful hybrid ruler doesn't mean my life should be put on a pedestal. My people and those who stand with me, they will come to my mind first. No matter what.

   "Can we go for a flight?" Jordan asks, we nod vigorously.

   "Some other time. We must be moving on." Jackson answered.

   "Can our animal warriors come?" Aliyah questions.

   "Creature Warriors, and they are yours. They follow you." Megan said.

   "Squishy my legs are tired." I whine, trying to keep a poker face.

   He laughs, "At your mighty service."

   I leap on his feathered back, in between his large wings. He walks after the adults.

   "This is awesome." Vivian said, sitting on her pegasus.

   "She's gorgeous." Cherry strokes Heather's chest.

   "When you do go flying we'll have to saddle them up first." Traci said.

   As we continue on I notice Squishy had a certain grace to his movements, along with the other Creature Warriors. Each move was carefully planned and calculated.

   Dad turns and opened a door, we enter a room full of impossibly buff males who make Kyle seem small.


   Yikes, even more surprises!

   Since I'm out of school now, I can update a little faster, thank Jesus!

   Also, I've been showing Mel and the gang all the reads/votes/comments.

   Their reactions;

Melody- "People actually like hearing about my mundane life?!"

Kyle- "Babe, chill, we all know it's about me."

Ester- "As if"

Vivian- "Does it matter? Wattpaders only want a good story."

Dmitri- "You'd think they'd have lives."

Jordan- "Yes, because back on Earth, you totally had such a life."

Cherry- "We're famous, so what if my fans don't have lives? I can fulfill them with my spark."

Reason- "The only spark you fulfill lives with is the spark of happiness when you leave."

Anna- "Why can't we be friends, why can we be friends, why can't-"

Zane- "Um, guys, I think the lady typing all this is getting tried of our crap."

Declan- "Pssh, the woman does enough torture to us. A few keyboard letters being hit by her small fingers won't kill her."

Aliyah- "No, but your idiocy might."

   This is very literary what happens in my head every freaking day.

   They won't shut up!

   Like I want them to.

   They're all excited about the support I've received for putting words to their life, keep up the good work.

   If you'll excuse me, Zane and Declan are about to start yelling at me for not placing either of the with Mel while Dmitri and Declan place bets on who will win.

   I swear, they're like children and I'm they're sheepherder.


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