- Yes, I want to have a family with you.

He smiles.

- Ok. We'll wait. I realize that we have enough pressure already. People know about us, but we still have a ton of work. By the way, what is your next project?

- There are a couple of dramas that I've been offered. I haven't said yes to any... It's been so crazy, and I honestly wanted some time off...

- I know. I only have variety shows for the next 2 months, after the event I told you about in Japan.

They arrive at the pharmacy and, again, the cameras are pointing at them. However, they are so used to it that they do not even notice. They buy the contraceptives and leave. But word of their purchase gets out and damage control is necessary.

Karl calls Dylan as soon as they arrive home with the groceries.

- Didi, you guys bought birth control today?

- What?!?! How do you know?

- It's all over Weibo. It's been hard to control it. You need to let them know you're married, or conservative fans will butcher you.

- Oh... What should we do?

- I can set up a live Q&A online with your supporters tomorrow afternoon. You can answer their inquiries, but I will set up 10 questions to come up randomly, and one of them will be about marriage. Ok? You need to come clean.

- Alright.

Meanwhile, Issy talked to Yue about the same thing. This has been set, tomorrow everyone will know the whole truth. Honestly, it will be a relief.

Yue and Dylan try to think of possible questions that the people will ask while they put away the groceries. Hopefully, they will agree on the answers.

Yue goes to the living room to look for a bag that was left at the table and Dylan stays in the kitchen. His phone is on the table next to the bag and she sees it vibrate.

"SMS from Celeste"


It buzzes two times after that with the same message.

For heaven's sake! What does she want now?

Yue cannot resist and unlocks Dylan's phone to read the messages:

C: I miss you handsome! 😘

C: Can't wait to hug you again!!!

C: I'm so glad I get to see you soon.

What the heck?!?! Are you kidding me? He's gonna see her? When?

Yue is visibly upset. She leaves the phone and goes back to the kitchen where she starts puffing for anything and everything. After a few minutes, Dylan notices her discomfort.

- Baby? Are you ok? You seem upset.

- Tsk..

- Hey! – Dylan moves in front of her and takes her chin. – What did I do now? Whatever I did, I'm sorry.

- Really?! You are?

She storms out of the kitchen, runs up to their bedroom and slams the door behind her.

Dylan is still speechless in the kitchen. What in the world happened? I swear mind-reading is useless with that woman!

He goes up trying to think back on what could have happened, but nothing comes to mind. He knocks on the locked door, but she is not opening. She ignores him. She is inside with tears of frustration running down her cheeks.

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