When They First Met

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She was sitting in front of the mirror, getting ready, humble as ever... Today I get to meet everyone in the cast. I'm so nervous! I'm going to be working with some pretty famous people. And don't even let me think about F4! They're probably gorgeous. Goodness gracious! What am I doing here?! Please,  please, heaven, let me get along with everyone.

All of a sudden, as her make up is being done, she sees a male figure walk by the dressing room: a tall, handsome, stylish and confident guy. Oh dear universe! That's Daoming Si!!! I just know it. Oh dear, oh dear! I can't breathe!!! Why can't I breathe? Stop touching my face!!!

She was ready and she went out the room. She saw the 4 tall boys chatting in the corridor. She stood there watching them, studying them. All of a sudden, Dylan feels the stare. He knows someone is watching him from behind. He slowly turns around and their eyes meet for the first time. He looks at her with an intense stare.

Oh no! Oh no! She wants to turn around and leave

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Oh no! Oh no! She wants to turn around and leave. She's about to go when...

	- Hey! Shancai! Is that you? Are you my soul mate? 
What?!?! In your dreams! No matter how good-looking you are! 
	- Yes

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- Hey! Shancai! Is that you? Are you my soul mate?

What?!?! In your dreams! No matter how good-looking you are!

- Yes. That's me - she answered politely.

He walks towards her, feeling a pull. I'm sure we'll get along great! She's so tiny and cute!

- Nice to meet you - he bows and then extends his hand.
- Hi, nice to meet you too.

Shyly, she extended her hand, not being ready for what the touch of their skin is about to reveal. As soon as their hands meet they feel sort of an electric shock, much like the ones you feel in winter. Their hands retreat right away.

- Hey! What the f... Sorry, sorry! Lady present. But your hand just electrocuted me!
- What?! YOUR hand electrocuted ME!

He laughs and at the sound of his laughter, she can't help but burst too.

- OK, ok. I'm sorry! Maybe it's the shoes.
- No, no, I'm sorry. It was probably the hairdryer!
- Let's try it again.

He extends his hand again waiting for her to grab it and... There it is again!

- Whadda!!! Sorry! Sorry!

She starts laughing hard.

- What's so funny?

She can't speak from all the laughter, tears starting to come out...

- How... how...
- How what, woman?
- How are we going to work together without killing each other?

He chuckles, he really likes her laugh. Well, we'll just have to get over it. Or, get used to it. I'm not giving up!

- Let's try again. This time, no matter what, I won't let go of your hand. Ok? So, don't freak out, alright? I'm doing this to save our jobs.
- Sure, sure.

She tries to stay serious. He reaches out, she meets his hand and... Yes, that jolt again. She winced, her instinct telling her to let go. But at that moment he did what he said he was going to do, he holds her tighter. Their eyes meet, they start to blush. This damn feeling won't go away! What is this? Dylan could not explain what was happening to them. He just felt the electricity travel through his body, all down his spine, feeling chills on all his pores. Does she feel it too? Instinctively his thumb started caressing her hand, trying to comfort her in case she wanted to let go. But, why don't I want her to let go?

She was as much shocked physically as she was mentally. Staring into his eyes she got lost. What day is it? Who am I? Wait, wait. I know who I am! But why do I feel shivers down my back? This is not normal. Let me go! He won't let go! Let. My. Hand. Go. And for the love of my soul, stop caressing my hand! It doesn't make it any easier! She kept pulling. I don't want to feel this way!

- I told you I was going to hold you tight until the feeling went away. Did it go away?
- Mmm... no.
- Me neither.
- So?
- What?
- What do we do?
- We get used to it.
- How?
- I don't know. Any ideas?
- No.
- Mmm... Well...
- Well what?
- You know how when you get on a roller-coaster for the first time your stomach is upside-down and you just want to get off but you can't - he said.
- Yes.
- And the more you get on roller-coasters the more you just enjoy the feeling, despite the bothersome nausea.
- Ahaaaa... Did he actually say ENJOY?
- That.
- What?
- We'll get used to it. The more we touch. And enjoy it, the more we touch...
- What?! The more we touch?!
- Hey! Are you deaf?
- No.
- You don't understand anything I say.
- I do.
- You don't - he said leaning forward until his eyes were at her eyes' level.

Dylan kept holding her hand tight, caressing it without even realizing it.

The other 3 boys were looking at the scene, giggling. And then Connor said:

- Well, guys, I think we're gonna have a lot of fun watching these 2!
- I bet. It's their first meet and they have touched 3 times, they have laughed so hard they cried and they are already fighting! This is going to be awesome! - said Caesar.
- Mmm... I'm afraid it's going to be a bumpy ride. - Darren shrugged.

Dylan finally let go of her hand. Now they both had a tingling feeling and both kept opening and closing the touched hand while still staring into each other's eyes. Why can't I look away? She's mesmerizing. Blink, Dylan, blink!

Finally someone comes running from behind Yue and hugs her! It's the kid she met earlier that day, the one who'll play her neighbor. I'm saved, she thought, ultimately being able to move her eyes away from Dylan.

They did get used to that feeling eventually. So much so, they actually missed it when they were apart. And they didn't mind if they had to feel it over and over again in every scene filmed together. The truth is that feeling never disappeared or subsided. On the contrary, it grew stronger and stronger.

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