"And this changes things how?kero" asks Tsuyu

"Watch the attitude you froggy fuck" Kachan pipes up (BACKUGOU NOOO! 😂)

"-calm down Kachan- And it changes things because her max to make is four, so if we go in teams of four then we can have one team that doesn't get attacked and the others just have to deal with one." I finish proudly

We eventually end up splitting the teams into four with mine being made up of Tsuyu, Kirishima and Mina. Two agility based, me and Tsuyu, a basic attacker, Mina and a tank, Kirishima.

Tsuyu is the only one who actually knows about my Mothra form in this group which would make me a tank in ate little sorting rule book, but she also knows I won't use it unless I really have to because... well. Property damage. And hashtag save the trees.

So unless I really have to ( "really have to" being if we're are about to be murdered) I'm not gonna use my Mothra form.

-Time skip-

WE FINALLY MADE IT THROUGH!!! The gollum's weren't the big problem, it was mostly the walk, I'm not to tired because I go running a lot but dang did that take forever.

And I feel all gross and sweaty, ewww

Everyone started arriving and the teachers sent us off to calm down in the public baths. I went straight to the rooms they gave us so I could unpack and laid down for a sec.

Accidentally falling a sleep and waking up about 40 minutes later when I heard everyone leaving the baths and reentering their rooms beside me.


I guess I was more tired than I thought.

I grab on some track pant and a crop top and head to the bath lockers.Once I'm in the change rooms I get into my towel and make my way tot he baths.

The place is really warm and steamy when I get there an-

" Finally here nerd?" OH!

I look over to the bath directly right from the entrance, and there's Kachan, sitting in the foggy water.

It's just coming up to his pecks, and he's leaning back with his arms on the edge of the bath. He has a soft small on his face and a nice warm look in his beautiful crimson eyes, and OH GOD IM STARING!

"UuuuUuum" I feel my face light up like a tree during Christmas.

"See something you like zuku?" Kachan chuckles darkly, god he's so sexy- stop it Izuku!!! He sits up a bit more showing just the top of his six pack.

Don't let him get to cocky, you know Kachan has a big head.

I slowly walk over to where he's sitting, once I get behind him I fully take off my towel and place just close enough for Kachan to see that's it's no longer on me or covering my... bits.

"What are yo-aaaAAh! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I sit right behind him, legs slipping under his arms, thighs around his waist/chest area, and my own hips flush against his back, my ... you know... kinda pressed against my stomach and his upper back.

I lean down getting my lips near millimeters to his ear, lightly brushing against the earlobe when I talk.

"Thought you'd want a small back massage, I know how hard your quirk can be on you sometimes" I say slowly.

"A-alright." He coughs slightly after his voice cracks.

I slowly lean forward more and dip my hands in the water, I glide my hands down his back and press into his muscles.

Mothra Izuku! - BakudekuWhere stories live. Discover now