EmeraldiMay's Performance

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@EmeraldiMay aka Emmie May

Song name: Elastic Heart
Category: Song Cover


Interview Questions

🎶 Brief bio:
Hello! You can call me May. Singing has been one of my main interests since I was young. I've never been much of a performer, but recently I've decided to start coming out of my shell and singing for more than just myself.

🎶 What does Music mean to you?
Music means the same to me as what I think it does to a lot of people: a means of escape to a better place and an expression of things you're reluctant to say. I'd say it keeps me company even when I want to be alone, if that makes sense.
Music is one of the only non-academic things I can say I'm good at. Unlike in my academic areas, I don't have to be at the very top of my game to be satisfied. Just hearing the melodies and lyrics of a song I love is enough to make me happy.
Making playlists for characters I write is also a fun way for me to get into their mindset.

🎶 What do you love about performing?
While I usually perform in a choir, I love the thrill of singing my ever-racing heart out in the occasional solo.
My favourite part is the opportunity to show people what I can do and surprise them if I'm lucky, though my nerves can get the better of me before I even put my name on the audition list. I don't really see myself as very interesting outside of school, so when I sing, I know it's time for a different facet of myself to shine.

🎶 What inspires you when it comes to music?
Meaningful lyrics and catchy tunes. Great music inspires me to write my own, to create something that makes me feel as strongly as I did when listening to their songs. Ruth B. especially has some great songs that made me want to pick up a pencil and jot down lyric ideas.

🎶 Who/What are your major artistic influences?
ABBA while I was growing up. Now, it's Ruth B., Sia, Adele, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran and Imagine Dragons.


A big round of applause for @EmeraldiMay!
We wish you the best, Emmie May! ♥️

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