SkullantacySmith's Performance

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@SkullantacySmith aka Deliah Rose

Song name: Wake Me When It's September
Category: Song Cover


Interview Questions

🎶 Brief bio:
I am a twenty-year-old musician, studying music at university. I am a fulltime fangirl and write in whatever spare time I have. I am a massive Doctor Who fan and have been since I was five.

🎶 What does Music mean to you?
Music has always been a part of my life. My mom is a housewife, so when I was little my mom would put music on and she'd dance with me after she had done the housework. I have always been interested in the ins-and-outs of music and how its produced. In my more depressive years, music became my only friend and what kept me going when I was considering ending my life. By studying music and performing, I feel as though I am both following my childhood dream and giving back to music after all it has done for me.

🎶 What do you love about performing?
The adrenaline rush between being nervous and excited. Its an ultimate natural high. But I also love the way that the musician connects with the audience, bringing people from various backgrounds and with different ethnicities together as one. With lyrics and speeches between songs, the artist is able to move an entire crowd. Its remarkable, especially when they use audience participation.

🎶 What inspires you when it comes to music?
I tend to write lyrics about my life, or listen to music that I find relatable. That inspires me to write more because I understand the general feel of the songs and what they are saying.

🎶 Who/What are your major artistic influences?
My life and experiences influence my original music a lot. But, I also look up to My Chemical Romance, Paramore, mxmtoon and Billie Eillish to name a few.


A big round of applause for @SkullantacySmith!
We wish you the best, Deliah Rose! ♥️

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