Themysterygirl01's Performance

165 8 11


Song name: Feel Special
Category: Song Cover


Interview Questions

🎶 Brief bio:
I don't think I'm amazing in singing, I haven't taken any vocal lessons. However I enjoy it and sing all the time, to the point I annoy my friends. I lack confidence and self-esteem, so I hope by joining this I can step out of my comfort zone and try something new. Also, I'm really into Kpop, but I'm not Korean so I'm deeply sorry if I make any pronunciation mistakes.

🎶 What does Music mean to you?

🎶 What do you love about performing?
The adrenaline that rushes in your body at that moment, and the feelings you get on stage

🎶 What inspires you when it comes to music?
Music calms my mind

🎶 Who/What are your major artistic influences?


A big round of applause for @Themysterygirl01!
We wish you the best! ♥️

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