Chapter 13

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So, loneliness did start making its presence known during the weekends and thus, I took a chance and here I am. On a Saturday evening, I meet up with Marques in a cute little café, located in Gangnam, to relish some delicious cakes.

Later we saunter off to the Han River that has so far been my favourite part in Seoul. The timing is perfect as the sky is a mix of blue hues and the water sparkles due to the sun, making it look very magical.

Both of us sit down on a park bench overseeing the river and converse about countless things in English, surprisingly. Marques is easy to talk to and he listens carefully when I share something about myself.

That's a good trait, I guess as most of my friends are talkative. There is a different kind of relief to be talking in a language that comes naturally and you do not have to worry about messing up the grammar.

What I learn about Marques is that he has been living in SK for the past two years and works at a known tech company. He is learning Japanese because his organisation also deals with Japan and knowing the language is a plus for him. Born and brought up in Brooklyn, USA, the job and an adventure were the things that landed him in South Korea.

His carefree nature keeps us chattering away in the park till late and also get take-away to my apartment. I watch his six feet two-inch figure look for the cutlery in the darkness of the kitchen while I giggle.

He finally finds what he is looking for and comes to the couch with a shy smile. And that's how we end up kissing. For a slim guy, he can easy handle my weight and I am not thin, to be honest. 

He pulls me onto his lap and showers soft pecks on my check. Fuck, this guy is making me feel all gooey!

"We better get to eating!" His voice is...smooth and rich, the kind which you won't get tired of hearing.

After dinner, we curl up on the couch watching a random movie—an excuse for background noise—and talk about things like the cultural difference either of us experienced in SK. 

Marques shares the thoughts that plagued his mind while coming to a new country as an African-American. But living here has been easier than he imagined.

I personally haven't experienced anything weird or rude, yet. But some occasional staring is normal as there aren't many foreigners around in Seoul.

My night turns out to be pretty cool as Marques and I stay up the entire night sharing random stuff and watching the movie in-between kissing sessions.


In the morning, I am startled awake to find Marques in my bed because obviously, I sleep alone. My body movement causes him to awaken as well but he doesn't seem surprised. His sleepy 'good morning' and that smile makes me want more mornings like these. Yes, I am lonely and he's charming!

For some odd reason, I end up chatting to Aa Ra Unnie and Chris after breakfast. One thing leads to another and suddenly, we have a plan in place to hang out in the evening along with Marques! Though I have hung out separately with both my co-workers, we haven't done anything together apart from lunch at work.

Marques and I laze around at my place and then get lunch at one of his favourite restaurants located near his place. Then we head over to his apartment so that he can put on clean clothes and we can wait until it's time to leave for dinner.

His place is very well-kept and has the craziest gadgets like a huge curved gaming desktop. I take some time to explore around as he has lived in this apartment for two years now. 

He has definitely put in great effort to turn it into a place for him by customising certain aspects of the room.

It is late in the noon when we leave together to meet my Big Hit chingus at some fancy place. Aa Ra Unnie has also invited her boyfriend, Joel, who hits it off with Marques and Chris as all of them are Americans. 

I introduce Marques as a friend from my Japanese class and nothing further than that as even we haven't explored that aspect.

After a lot of drinking—not me—and eating, we call it a night and all of us leave with a closer bond than before. While everyone takes off, Marques and I walk around for a while and I try to discreetly get his impression of my colleagues. He wouldn't mind hanging out with them again, he says.

Honestly, I, too, ended up having a good time as the guys kept chattering about a million things and then some more about the US. Though Marques invites me to stay the night at his place, I have work tomorrow and I really cannot run home early in the morning.

Before leaving, he gives me a tight hug and kiss on the forehead as a goodbye after he promising to meet soon. I hope that is nota code for something because I really liked spending time with him!


Hello guys! I hope this new character is fun to read about. To make the story more realistic, I couldn't start off Anu and JK's love story on a whim. To give y'all a little background, Marques is not fictional and is inspired by a real person. I really look up to that guy and he's amazingly talented which is why I featured him here! Thanks! Love ya, readers & ARMYs!

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