Chapter 26

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I shrug off the urge to check my phone for the hundredth time and concentrate on the task at hand. Marques' mom is recovering from cancer, but the chemo is taking a toll on her body. I know he'll be leaving soon for another trip home; I just don't know when.

My work hasn't been very kind to me either. The VP, Mr. Oh, who was impressed with my ideas for the comeback, has added more activities to my plate that have nothing to do with my job. So, here I am, sitting until late at work, wishing I could go with Marques and support him during such a situation.

I finalise one last appointment for the comeback showcase and shut down my computer. Clicking on Spotify, I connect my Airpods and play 'Dynamite' with a VPN. ARMYs have a streaming goal planned for the English track and I want to help rank it on charts.

I am rubbing my eyes and yawning shamelessly when the elevator opens revealing the entire gang. Ugh! Why? I try to determine if I should just take the next one and not squeeze in with the seven guys. But Jimin holds up the door and they make space for me. Yeah, the lift is made for 15 people. I sigh internally.

"How did you find our new song?" Namjoon enquires beside me.

"It's the bomb!" I exclaim in English. "I am telling you; we'll be breaking records everywhere. ARMYs will make sure it happens." It's only been two days, and the numbers are only increasing.

"Aren't you streaming as well?" I hear Suga ask me.

I hold up my phone to show the ongoing song and turn to look at him, cockily.

He returns an embarrassed smile as Jimin says, "Don't underestimate our fans, Hyung-nim!"

Just as the next song begins, I get a call from Marques. Guess he has come to pick me up.

"Hey. I am waiting—" His voice cuts.

"Babe, I'll be out in a minute. I'm in the elevator." I say but the network doesn't go through.

As the doors open for the ground floor, I say bye to the guys, expecting them to go to the underground parking lot. But they get off with me. Maybe they don't worry so much about fans waiting outside this late.

I excitedly hurry outside to tell Marques that BTS is right behind me. He's leaning against his car, looking out onto the street when he spots me coming out.

As I get closer to him, I whisper, "Look behind me!" His eyes widen with eyebrows almost touching his hairline.

"Ohmygod!" He whispers while hugging me. "Were you in the lift with them?"

I get inside the car and wait for him to begin spilling some tea.

(Jungkook's POV)

Just as the song ends, I wait five more seconds before collapsing down on the floor. If someone volunteered to take me home like this, I would be so grateful to them. But sadly, I have to get up.

The staff hands me a towel and a bottle of water as the shooting ends and we are finally allowed to leave. Manager Sejin turns to ask us to meet him downstairs and I couldn't be any happier. We thank all the staff and the cameramen for being here so late and get out before anyone changes their mind.

I rest my head against the metal back of the elevator, trying to get some shut-eye as soon as we get in. Suddenly our smooth ride to the ground floor stops and the lift pings. I open my eyes just enough to look at who it is and obviously it's her! 

I contain the urge to sigh loudly but her comical expression after being caught yawning makes me resist laughing out like a mad man. That was too cute!

Jimin holds the door so that it doesn't close on her and she finally steps in. I hear RM Hyung ask her about our new song while I examine her messy bun and the many piercings dotting the curve of her ear. 

The revelation of some ink peaking from the back of her top makes me swallow and get my act in check. I swear under my breath as she turns to look at Suga Hyung, her nose ring shining as the light hits silver. But this time, she has no comments for me.

I go back to resting my head when I hear her talk to someone on the phone.

"Babe, I'll be out in a minute. I'm in the elevator." I understand enough English to gather that her boyfriend is waiting outside.

So, I hang back and walk slower than the members. I want a proper look at this guy even though it's not gonna change much. I see Anu-shi hurry out to a guy standing against a car. He's dressed casually in black jeans and t-shirt exposing biceps. His face breaks into a smile as he sees her sauntering towards him.

Shaking my head, I walk to the car assigned for me in-time to turn around and catch him placing a kiss on her cheek. She seems so tiny in his arms as he towers over six feet. How would she look in my—!

Jin Hyung slides in beside me as I pull out my phone and open iMessage.

Jungkook: Can we meet tonight if you're up for it?

Mi Amor | Jungkook Fanfiction | JJKFF (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz