7 | Individual Sessions

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Chapter Seven
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter SevenINDIVIDUAL SESSIONS └───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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I wake up in my bed from another nightmare. This time it was about the Games, but Calyptus, who was supposed to be my ally, turned on me when my back turned, and she attacked me. First, she took my weapons and then used them to kill Monty, and then she turned to me with a sinister smirk on her face with the sword in her hands covered in blood. I woke up as she swung her sword at me.

As the Hunger Games draw closer, I guess my nerves have started acting up. But now, because of my nightmare, I don't know if I can trust Calyptus. What if my subconscious was trying to tell me something?

The sun had not risen yet, but it was about to, so I climbed out of bed and walked into the shower. I pushed a few buttons and stepped in, not caring today if the water was boiling hot or freezing cold. I pressed one of the other buttons, and a lavender-scented foam covered my body. As I finished my shower, I stepped out and dried myself and then quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail, not bothering to braid it.

I exit the bathroom and once again find an outfit laid out for me in front of the closet, the same outfit from the last two days. I put it on and head out of the door. I wasn't that hungry, but I needed some fresh air, so I headed to the balcony. I watched as the sun peeked over the tall building in the distance and wondered what it must be like to live in the Capitol. How they don't have to worry about anything, how they live at peace while we struggle to survive. I hate these people. All they do is sit and wait for us to die for their amusement.

I tear my eyes away from the rising sun and down to the streets below me. In that moment, I thought about jumping. But I knew I could never do it. A couple of years ago, one of the tributes did, and the people in the Capitol didn't like that, so they put up a force field around the Training Center so that it could never happen again. I was stuck here until I died in the Games.

My mind wanders to my mother as I stare off into the distance. Is she awake now? Has she even slept? Is she dreading the day knowing that it is one day closer to the Games? I wonder if she is just as scared as I am about today. The private sessions are today, and I am terrified. I barely know how to use the weapons that I chose, and what if they don't have them in there? What will I do then? So many thoughts run through my head as I wait for the others to walk into the dining room.

The quiet has never been good to me. It always brings out the worst in me, the dark thoughts that threaten to destroy me. As I wait, I think of the Games and wonder how they will be this year. No one knows what it will be besides the Gamemakers, but I'm hoping for a forest. Then I would be able to hide among the trees, I'm not much of a climber, but I do know good hiding spots along the ground. I just hope that I will be able to get my hands on a weapon, but I don't know if I want to risk going for the Cornucopia. I know that everyone will try, and it will end in a blood bath. But if I don't, then I don't know how I am going to get a weapon, unless I take them from someone's dead body.

. . .

On the third day of training, they start to call us out of lunch for our private sessions with the Gamemakers. We linger in the dining room, unsure where else to go. No one comes back once they have left. As the room empties, the pressure to appear friendly lightens. By the time they call Cassia, we are left with just us and the districts behind us. We sit in silence until they summon Monty, and he rises.

I wish him luck, and he does the same for me as he heads off. After fifteen minutes, they call my name. I smooth my hair, set my shoulders back, and walk into the gymnasium. Instantly, I know I'm in trouble. They've been here too long, the Gamemakers. But they still watch me with bored expressions.

Bows made of woods and plastic and metal materials I can't even name. Arrows with feathers cut in flawless uniform lines. But I tear my eyes away from the bow, remembering what Willow told me, and instead, I look at the swords. There are five of them hanging from a rack, and I pick one of them up and look up at the Gamemakers, making sure they were watching. Once I had confirmed that they were, I walked over to one of the countless dummies and took a stance in front of them. I place my right foot in front of me and my left behind me a little and raise up my arms, my left arm to steady myself, and the right one has the sword in it.

I let out a breath and swung the sword at the dummy slicing its arms off, and then I quickly turned around to the dummy behind me and swung it with all of my might, and the sword cut the head of the dummy off. Satisfied, I look up at the Gamemarkers to see their reaction. They give me a nod of aproval, and I can only hope that it was enough to get a decent score. Soon after, they dismiss me, and I leave the sword on the weapons rack and walk out.

Hope flares up inside of me. Maybe I do have what it takes to win this. Maybe I can do this.







Hey guys i hope you enjoy the story so far.

Okay, so completely unrelated to this book, but I just watched Julie and the Phantoms and I need season 2 now. Its really good.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did then don't forget to vote and comment.

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