She nodded sympathetically as she said with surprising kindness in her still-cold voice, "I'm sorry, but it varies for every person. It make take a few hours, and they may disappear in a few sec-"

My back made a huge popping noise, like I was cracking it next to a microphone. It burned even worse than when my wings appeared, and I curled up on the ground when suddenly, it stopped. I stood up, and felt oddly lighter. Anna was staring at me, and Ms. Crudelis promptly shut her mouth when I stood up and said, "I'm sorry, but it looks like your wings won't be going away, Ms. Andekas. They just shrunk to about the size of your forearm.

I, like the blonde I should have been born as, turned around in circles like a dog, trying to see the wings now. Anna smiled at me and bit her lip like she was trying not to laugh as I circled around quickly. I stopped after my fifth turn, when I noticed that kids were starting to peek in the doorway at me as I made an idiot out of myself, (also, I was getting kind of dizzy). I blushed, and silently cursed myself for doing that as they glided away like figures from a fairytale, quickly losing interest as they realized I wouldn't be doing anything else cringe-worthy. Ms. Crudelis looked at me and said, "As Anna has probably informed you by now, I give flight tests to the new students, just to see how good they are without any sort of practice or anything. Meet me at the same place as the class meets every day exactly one hour after final bell."

I nodded and she said, "Good. You both may go now"

Anna led me to an opening in the building and jumped. I followed quickly, smiling at the rush of the wind in my face as I rushed to the ground, suddenly stopping after a light pain in my back. I looked behind myself, and saw that my wings were back to their normal huge size. I examined them more closely this time as I went after Anna, flapping my wings. I imagined how I probably looked to everybody else right now, and laughed at the image that popped into my head. Some random girl with wings twice her size, flapping around like a bird trying to escape somebody's grasp. As I thought this, a huge gust of wind came, and I struggled to fight against it, and finally managed, after much wasted energy, to get higher in the air, where it was calmer, and there were more students. Anna glided gracefully over with Hannah and a few other kids by her side. There were two guys, one with cherry blonde hair and hazel eyes, the other with jet black hair and blue, almost violet eyes hidden by glasses, and one other girl behind the two girls who looked average, with her brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. Anna said cheerfully, "these are some of my friends! You know Hannah, but that's Claire, and that's josh and mike," she pointed to the girl first, then the black haired boy, then finally the boy with the hazel eyes.

The smiled at me as she said their names, and they stayed quiet, and seemed kind of shy.

Anna rolled her eyes and I noticed that when she though I was looking, she poked josh in the side. He immediately stuttered out a hi, and Anna smiled contentedly, and I smiled at him brightly, wondering what Anna was up to as I said, "Hi."

Color entered his pale cheeks and I smiled warmly.

"So.. um... can you do anything other than flight?" he said, nodding slightly to my wings. I spread them out a bit more, feeling proud of them as I said, "Yeah, I can control nature, but I haven't figured it out much. I scared a class half to death outside earlier!"

They all laughed, even though it wasn't all that funny, when the lunch bell rang.

Anna said to me as she glided downwards, "Come on, lunch runs out fast, it actually tastes good here!"

I smiled excitedly and followed her. I clumsily attempted to land again, and all I succeeded in doing was controlling nature more as I reached up and grabbed me before I could fall flat on my butt. I followed them to lunch, and the minute I stepped into the cafeteria, Millie was at my side with Braden beside her, and everybody was staring at me, because my wings hadn't gone away yet. Millie glanced at them, and did a double take, saying loud enough for everybody to hear, "I KNEW IT!! I KNEW YOU WOULD HAVE WINGS! THEY LOOK SO COO- OMIGOSH THEY JUST SHRUNK!! DID YOU SEE THAT BRADEN? THEY SHRUNK!"

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