chapter 4 ♫

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i'm sorry that

a) i haven't posted in forever

b) it's short

c) it isn't my best :\

d) WARNING: unedited! (huge font, bad sentences.....)

My computer has been sorta on and off with the whole virus thing, so i decided i would put what i had before it flipped again :) also, it's been rainy while i was writing, so i wasn't in a good mood while i write :( soooo yeah.... tell me what to change!!

♥,paige ☺


Jane turned to me, her eyes locking into mine."If you have any issues, just call us. We will pick you up immediately. I know you're supposed to be very unique student at this school, so if you have any issues with some of the other more.... talented students, call us!" she said, her eyes showing knowledge that made me question how much Jane actually knew. She smiled at me again and turned around, not saying another word.I fell asleep during the drive, and when i awoke, Mark was lightly shaking me, my bag in one of his hands as though it weighed nothing. I got out of the gate, they both hugged me goodbye, rang the buzzer next to the gate, and drove away.

The intricately designed gate stood ominously before me as Jane and Mark drove away, and began slowly creaking open as they disappeared from sight. I gulped, and stepped onto the campus, wondering if I would ever live in a new home again. I shuffled through my papers that they had given me to find a map, and quickly learned that the building I needed to get to was right in front of me. For a front office, it seemed almost too imposing, made up of a cold grey brick, and towering above me at almost three storeys tall. It seemed like a prison. I opened the thick glass door, and the front desk lady gasped when she looked up. From the way she looked, I almost gasped too. Her hair was a startling black color, in comparison to the years that had worn away into her face. She had it up in a tall beehive, with red flowers in it, that matched the bright red shirt and (not-so) skinny jeans she had somehow squeezed herself into.

She began talking, in very nasal jersey accent, at almost a mile a minute. "Oh my gawwdddd look at you! You're the spitting image of your parents, although a bit old to be coming to the school now, don't you think? Even your scatterbrained mother should know that with powers like your parents had you should have come into training as soon as possible! I thought your father would keep her head on straight! Oh well, what's done is done! How are they doing?!"

I blinked and took a couple seconds to process what she said before I replied, with my head hung sadly.

"We think they died when I was little...... The apartment super came in, and all he saw was a bloodstained and messy apartment with me wailing on the couch, the only other human in the apartment."

"I am so sorry," she said, the remorse showing through every line in her face," they were wonderful people, and they will be missed."

I hung my head even lower as I whispered," they already are..."

Just then, Christa started pounding on the door, looking perkier than ever in her uniform, her blonde curls bouncing everywhere as she mouthed to me in excitement, "let's go!"

The woman, who I had never managed to learn the name of, smiled at me sadly, handing me my room assignment as she said in a fake cheerful voice, "Have fun"

I waved to her and walked out the door. Christa began talking almost immediately.

"okay soo the dean told me told me to take you to her office directly after you got your dorm assignment because she needs to talk to you! But don't worry," she said, her eyes slowly growing wider as she continued," You aren't in trouble; she talks to every new student! Although, most new students are pretty young compared to you, so she might seem as though she's treating you like a stupid person."

As she finished saying this, we suddenly stopped in the middle of a courtyard, surrounded by buildings, except for the area we came in from. The buildings looked old, and they all had a colonial theme. Each one was exactly the same as the next, from the red brick walls to the white-trimmed roof on each and every one of them. It was as though Harvard had been magically shrunk down and placed on the campus. Christa began walking to the building straight in front of us. I slowly began following, and she glanced behind and said, "We're already late! The Dean was expecting us five minutes ago!"

I walked faster, and caught up with her just as she opened the large glass door. We walked in, and I immediately felt as though I had been transported somewhere else. Everything was made of frosted glass, with white marble floors leading off to a hallway, with an elevator at the end. The receptionist, a young blonde, smiled to us and said, "The dean has been waiting for you. she is on the fourth floor, the second door to the right"

We walked to the elevator, our steps echoing as our shoes slapped the cool marble. Christa pushed the button, looking oddly nervous as the elevator came down. I gave her a quizzical look, and she said, "I don't think I'm going to be allowed to go in with you. The dean usually likes to do these things in privacy."

I nodded, suddenly feeling just as nervous as Christa had looked. Then, I wondered what christa had to be worried about. Just as I thought this, she began speaking.

" I hope she isn't too mean to you, sometimes if somebody is really powerful, she just... forgets they're still children. The test was sort of just to make sure you wouldn't develop anything later. I'm a mind reader, and I can sense what your powers are through that. I, of course, know your powers, since I'm the way they find these things out, and believe me, You're powerful." just as she finished saying this, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We walked to the door, and before we entered, she smiled and said, "Cross your fingers."

She opened the door, and I nearly fainted as the dean said, "Hello Marissa"

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