Chapter 5 ☼

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omg! this is the most i've posted within two weeks span in like, forever! yay for me! hope u like it!


Jane smiled at me, and yet I knew somehow it wasn't Jane. Her smile twisted upward more, not reaching her cold and calculating eyes. Her hair was held sharply back, unlike the soft wavy brown hair that always tumbled down her back and framed her face. Her smile faded quickly, her mouth setting into a thin line before she began speaking.

"Welcome to the academy, Ms. Andekas. I'm Dean Cordura. I know you must be curious about the school, but before you ask questions, let me show you the things we left out of orientation."

I silently nodded, and her and Christa started asking about something while I tried running through my head all the reasons she could be the mirror image of Jane.

Split personalities? No, because I saw Jane drive off with Mark.

Maybe she has powers, and hers is the ability to split into multiple people. But that's just wayy too sci-fi, and probably goes against some sort of natural law. But don't my powers break the laws of physics? How often can people just... fly around like it's nothing? But still, I'm no scientist but I'm pretty sure it would take forever and a day to form a completely new person, even if it IS your mirror image. Then, I looked up, and I didn't see Jane.

There was a tall blonde woman, with icy blue eyes that showed cruelty. Then I realized she had the same smile as the non-Jane. She smiled and said in a thin, yet strong voice, " come with me. You need to see the basement before you can go to your dorm and settle in" I stared in shock and wonder as Christa followed behind, not caring the slightest that a new woman was leading us around. I mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear, "What happened to dean Cordura?"

The blonde woman smiled, while Christa stared at me as though I was stupid as she said, "The dean is right there?" in her 'what else would it be?' voice.

I stared, trying to find anything similar to the dean, other than her smile, and the cold look in her eyes.

As I stared, the woman smiled and said in possibly the most fake voice I have ever heard, " I think I forgot to tell her about my power! Silly me! I can change my form to imitate any human in the world." as she said this, her hair lengthened, and she began to shrink down to my height. Before I could process it all, I was staring into the mirror image of myself. She smiled, switching back to the tall, blonde woman. She smiled as she said, "This is the form I was born in. Now, lets continue and actually start our tour, shall we?"

We walked to the elevator and she entered a key card into the slot above the floor buttons. Immediately, a part of the wall lit up, slid to the side, and five new buttons appeared. They were labeled B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-5. She pressed B-1, and the elevator immediately began moving. As we went down she began speaking.

"The basement area is around the same size of the campus. It has five floors, and has the advanced powers and chemistry classrooms on the first two floors. The third floor holds a larger training room, and the fourth floor and fifth floor are restricted access, which we use for reasons that you may be able to know someday. All the buildings have access to the basement, but only staff, and the head students of each dorm have access to key cards." As she finished speaking, the doors dinged open, and I entered a new world.

It looked like a regular school, with lockers, classrooms, and even students milling about as they slammed their lockers shut as they headed to class. The only difference was the names on each classroom door. One that I passed by read in bold black letters, Advanced Nuclear Chemistry. The dean smiled at my face as I read it, and she said, "Some of our students are gifted with minds that would make geniuses seem like toddlers. Those classes are for them."

She pulled out a slip of paper, read it, and picked up her pace. Christa and I followed behind, struggling to match her long strides. She suddenly turned, and we followed as she opened a door that led to an empty lab. It had circular walls, with desks, computers, and stuff that I couldn't even explain scattered all over. There was a big, circular container in the middle of the room. It was clear, and about the size of a silo. Inside of it was a bubbling green liquid, that seemed to be boiling, although there was no fire beneath it. As I looked up to see the top of it, I noticed that hanging above us, circular with floor just above the rim of the container, was a large balcony going around the circumference of the room.

Dean Cordura smiled as she said, "This is what the people in your grade will be studying when you begin class tomorrow. This is radioactive, but the container prevents any of the radioactivity to leak into us. Your class shall be studying it's properties, trying to discover why it effects supers in the way it does. Touching just one drop of it will kill you, although in rare cases it gives you another power. Christa came along so that she could give you the information on it while I go get your papers set up. I will leave now. I'll be back in half an hour, and I expect hr to be well informed on this substance by the time I'm back Christa!" she dropped her smile and left the room, leaving us alone.

Christa gulped and said with pain in her voice, "The eighth grade has been studying this for the past two weeks. It is called phyloneum, and it gives humans superpowers, if the burning liquid doesn't kill them first. My parent's were scientists here, and when I was five, they discovered this. I had been standing on the balcony above, and I fell in. That's how I got my powers, because I had been born normal. I wouldn't want anybody to go through what I had to though. It was excruciating. Like being burned by acid, hit by a bus, having all my bones broken at once, and being ripped in half, all at once. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy." as she said this, I looked in her eyes. They were shining, and showed unimaginable pain. I understood why Christa usually talked so much now. She didn't want time to think. She didn't want to recollect her hardest year. She didn't want to be weakened by her pain. I smiled weakly at her, and tried to change the subject, so that she wouldn't cry.

"so, if it was discovered so long ago, why would they have us trying to discover more of it's properties? Wouldn't the scientists have been able to do that by now?"

Her lip quivered, and her eyes began to water as she said, "The phyloneum container spilled while I was still in the hospital after I gained my powers. All the scientists were there, trying to find out how it gave me powers. They all died. Ever since, grades 8, 10, and 12 gets three months each school year to study it's properties and try to continue the scientists work. Everybody thinks it's stupid, because if the super-geniuses here can't figure it out, who the hell can?"

Christa's eyes began to show rage, and since I did not want to know what an angry psychic could do, I quickly thought of a question to ask her.

"So do you know if the person who I'm sharing a room with is nice?"

She looked at me and said, "well, I was going to warn you about that..... The only open space in the eighth grade dorms is in the room with a biotch, Teagan, and a freak, Gemma ....I'm not being mean, I swear, everybody thinks so."

I frowned, and she said, "I should get back to telling you about the element, huh?"

I nodded, and she began speaking, but it was pretty much the same thing repeated over and over: they knew nothing about it.

Christa was mid-sentence, telling me about all the tests they have tried doing, when the dean came in.

"Your roommates are waiting! Come on, and you'll get to meet them and get settled in," she said warmly, which surprised me, since her voice was so cold earlier.

We walked to the dorms, which were five, three story red brick building in a semi-circle surrounding a large courtyard. We walked into the third building, went up to the third floor, and opened the door.


so am i the only one who feel bad for christa? comment and tell me! plz vote, maybe even fan?

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