Guidelines Of The Non-Toxic Relationship Campaign

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What is the Nontoxic Relationship Campaign about?

A relationship is toxic if it contains one or more of the following:

1.Reccurring, long-term pattern of bad behavior (physical or mental harm) on one or both sides.

2.Love is prioritized over everything else, including respect, trust, and affection for each other. One person in the relationship may have to constantly sacrifice things to be with the other person in the relationship.

3.A person (usually a female) is forced to fall in love with another person. Usually this person is kidnapped or threatened.

4.Consent is not taken or not respected for sexual activities.

5. One person in the relationship (usually the female character) is held responsible for changing the toxic behaviour of their partner (usually the male character). She or He is supposed to endure the toxic behaviour due to the love they have for their partner.

If your story does not contain the above characteristics, then your story has a Non-toxic relationship and it qualifies for this campaign.

The aim of the campaign is to encourage writers who portray and encourage healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are relationships that are built upon mutual respect, trust and love for each other.

To clarify,

1.Your story can have all types of sexual activities as long as the characters involved have given consent and are in a healthy relationship.

2. If at the start of your story, the relationship is toxic,however the characters realise and acknowledge it and they work towards building a healthy relationship, then this relationship can also qualify for this campaign because instead of glorifying toxic relationships, it is addressing the problems and showing how a healthy relationship can be built.

3. Stories which have no romantic relationships are also welcome to take part in this campaign as long as the other types of relationships (relationships with family and friends) are healthy.

4. Stories from all genres are welcome to participate in this campaign.

Be one of the first writers to be featured in this new campaign! If your story on wattpad qualifies, add the hashtag #nontoxic to it. Also you can add the sticker to your book cover. I will then add your stories to the reading list in this account and your stories would also be featured on instagram

If I haven't added your book to the reading list, then please dm me. Also I follow back permanently those who follow this account.

The sticker can be downloaded at:

Feel free to comment here or dm me if you have any queries about this campaign.

How do I add the sticker to my book cover?

After downloading the sticker, you can use apps such as Canva to add the sticker to your book cover. If you need help adding the sticker to your book cover, comment here and I will help you.

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