We make our way through the rest of the workout before Boss comes in and gives us a lesson. We're about thirty minutes in when Jackson makes a 'T' with his hands. "Okay, time out." His cheeks are red as he rests his hands on his knees. "Are you even tired? You don't even look tired," he tells me.

Boss smiles. I know he's proud of how far I've come. He's always excited when I test for a new belt. "Let's call it. I have some stuff to wrap up before we open for the night."

"It's all that cake," I joke and hit Jackson's gut.

As we walk toward the benches, I notice a gray figure through the glass, cupping their hands around their eyes as they try to steal a glance inside.

"Boss, you see that?" I point.

It's as though the figure can hear me because as Boss turns to look, they start walking away. He shrugs. "Probably someone trying to see if we're open," he explains. "How'd your final go, kiddo?" He puts an arm around my shoulders and gives me a side hug.

I hate it when he calls me that. Reminds me of my dad, but I don't know how to tell him.

I shrug. "It was good," I say and grab my water bottle.

"Have you figured out a major yet?" He raises a graying eyebrow, pushing his piercing up with it.

I shake my head and say, "I have a whole year, Boss," before I chug half the bottle.

"Don't start slacking on me now. Remember I promised you a raise if you pull straight A's this quarter." He points a stern finger at me.

"Hey, I didn't get that promise," Jackson whines.

Boss rolls his eyes. "Hell. I'll give you a raise if you can get an A on a single exam."

We laugh. Jackson's not the studious type. I haven't seen him put much effort into anything besides video games. I even had to force him to be my sparring partner.

Boss reminds us to lock up and tosses me the keys.

"I'm gonna head to the bar early and shower there," I tell Jackson. "You working tonight?"

"Yeah. I'll see you there." He throws his backpack over his shoulder and heads out.

After I lock up and grab my backpack, I take the trip to the bar at a jog. I tell myself that it's because Jackson quit early and I want to add to my workout but in reality, I'd love to see a stalker try to keep up with me without blowing their cover.

I shuffle through the same ring of keys I used to lock the gym and let myself into the bar, cranking the AC and flipping the lights on before I make my way to the spare bedroom. I'm careful to check the shadowy corners but scold myself for being paranoid.

My phone buzzes, and I lunge to see who it is. Just an email from school, telling us to have a safe winter break. My heart sinks.

I send Brittany another text before I get in the shower. Please talk to me, Britt.

I trick myself into seeing figures through the glass shower door, but refuse to let myself check. I've been letting the paranoia get the best of me. I'm spiraling down a hole of impossibilities and potential stalkers.

My ears strain to hear any potential sounds from the bar as I towel dry my body and pull on a pair of jeans and a bra.

God, I'm being crazy.

I pull the orange bottles of prescription medication out of my bag and try to remember if I took them this morning. But as soon as I let my guard down, the familiar squeak of the floorboards comes from the dancefloor. My eyes snap to the door as I fish my phone out of my bag and check the time.

No one should be here.

I scan the room for a potential weapon. Boss has a baseball bat next to the bed. I clench it and take slow steps toward the door. My breath catches in my throat as I give the door a push.

The initial sight of a figure in front of me, causes a stress induced reaction. I pull the bat over my head, ready to attack Zachary but it isn't him at all.

It's Brittany; wide-eyed and frozen in place.

"Oh my god. Brittany." I let out the breath I'd been holding.

"I tried your house," she explains. "Your mom told me you'd be here. The door was unlocked and I heard the shower so I— "

"The door was unlocked?" How can I be so paranoid and so sloppy at the same time?

She nods. "Are you doing okay?" She takes a step closer, grabs the bat from my hand and leans it against the bed, staring at the pill bottles on the counter.

"Don't leave," I beg. I'm not sure why I say it. Or what I mean by it. Don't leave the bar? Don't leave me? Don't leave Southern California? All of the above, I decide.

"Jordan..." She shakes her head, crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm an asshole. I know. Please. Just give me twenty-four hours. Let me fix this."

She's silent as she bites her lip, her eyes lingering on me.

The door in the front swings open as Jackson strolls in. "Hey, Jordan!" he shouts. "I'll start opening."

I ignore him, watch Brittany's face as she thinks.

"Okay," she says and pops her gum.

I finish getting ready and run to help Jackson open as Brittany sits at the end of the bar that I help with. I slide her a drink and grab a full trash bag. "I'll be back in a second," I tell her as I dash out the door. If I can get the setup done before the customers show, I can spend more time with Brittany. I can't ruin this. This is my last shot with her.

I push through the emergency exit, the trash bag hoisted over my shoulder, as something strikes the back of my head. My knees buckle under the pressure. My vision comes in blurry as a man stands over me, a smug grin spread across his lips.


I really want to give you guys the next chapter right now because I just fucking love the way it turned out.   

Guys! I need your help! We recently messed around with an Ouija board (neither of us believe in ghosts or anything spiritual) for a vlog and nothing happened. At least, nothing happened until we were editing and heard something 'talking' at the same time as me? MAYBE? I don't know, but now I'm terrified of my own damn house so if ya'll could go watch that part of the video (or the whole thing if you really like to support my work) AND TELL ME THAT IT WAS JUST AN AUDIO GLITCH AND THAT IM NOT BEING HAUNTED NOW... That would be great. Because I've never heard something like that before but maybe you guys have? ... Someone please tell me it's just an audio glitch. Comment here, comment there, message me anywhere, I don't care. Just tell me that you're an avid videographer and you hear those noises all the time while editing and it's no big deal. 

Anyway, we take the Oiuja board out at the 6:20 ish mark on the video so you don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to. 

But besides that, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter annnnnd if I stop posting suddenly... Someone make sure the ghosts didn't get me. Thanks. 


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