Your Kids Quirks

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If you are with one of these characters and identifies as the same gender, don't worry. There are quirks out there that allow you to combine your DNA and create a child of your own without the need of a third party to either carry your child or give you the sperm.

Bakugo: She got a combination of your quirk. She is able to use her sweat to create explosions from her palms, but she can also restore what she blew up. She can only restore what she damaged with her explosions. It only works on non-living objects and is very helpful in helping clean up after a fight

Downside - If she overworks herself to hard, your daughter will throw up and/or pass out

Kirishima: Your son is able to jellify his own body, so instead of preventing being damaged by hardening, he jellifies instead allowing whatever to go through him.

Downside - He can't stand in this form for long because his organs and blood also jellifies causing a huge affect on his body

Your daughter is able to allow others to harden their body as long as she's touching them. She's very helpful when people need extra protection

Downside - She has a limit on how many people she can harden while touching. Also, the more people she hardens, the less her quirk actually works

Kaminari: Your first son is able to conduct large amounts of electricity in water. His electricity will only travel if it is submerged in water.

Downside - His electricity can only travel through water and, like his father, he doesn't have total control of it, so he tends to shoot out dangerously large amounts of electricity

Your second son can create water whips around his arms that he basically uses as extensions of his limbs. He is able to conduct electricity within his water arms with enough concentration.

Downside - He can only create these whips as extensions of his arms. The less water he has, the smaller his whips are

Finally, your third son is a bit of a weather boy. He is able to summon thunder storms and the severity of the storm depends on his emotions at the moment

Downside - Like stated previously, the severity of his storms depends on his emotions, so if he doesn't keep a level head, things could become catastrophic

Sero: Your first daughter is able to shoot retractable light whips out of her elbows. This allows her to lasso amounts of sunlight with her whips and absorb them into her whips for later distribution. They are more of an offensive move if fighting.

Downside - She has to make sure she has little to no light absorbed into her whips when retracting for long periods of time or else she will get major sunburn on the inside of her arms

Your second daughter can shoot light tape from her palms. Basically she can shoot her fathers tape, but depending on how much vitamin D she has in her system can depend on how hot her tape is allowing her to burn or even melt things if needed.

Downside - The amount of her heat really depends on how much she's been out in the sun to absorb that vitamin D. If she run out, she could get very sick

Mina: Your first child is able to melt things with his concentrated stare. The harder he concentrates, the faster he can melt the nonliving object

Downside - This can put a strain on his eyes and the more he uses it, the more likely he'll gain a major migraine later

Your second child can control allusions that allow her to scare others into thinking either her, them, or everything surrounding is melting. It's only allusions of melting, but it's still pretty scary

Downside - She can see everything she's conducting in her allusions, so she also has to withstand the horror of her opponents

Your third child can secrete a substance much like Minas, but instead of burning acid, it has more similarities to glue. Her acid is just about as sticky as Minetas quirk which is great for fixing things

Downside - The more she uses her quirk, the more likely she is to become majorly dehydrated, so she has to keep monitoring her hydration levels

Finally, your last child can also secrete a substance like Minas, but it has no physical effects to it besides the fact that if touched, the person in contact with it can see their worst nightmare

Downside - As soon as it initially releases form his body, he can then become victim to his own quirk, so he has to be very careful when handling it

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