When They First Realized They Liked You

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Bakugo: You two where still training at UA together. You had managed to stay out of each others way for your first year despite all the times you would hang out with Kirishima, but one day during second year you two were partnered up for a training activity. Being the way he is, Bakugo ignored any time you tried to strategize with him, claiming that he could win by himself. You liked Bakugo but he was getting on your nerves because he was arrogant and reckless and frankly a bad partner. So, you snapped and told him off. He got defensive, but you were not backing down; You told him how it was and asked him if he could consider using your strengths for this activity as well so ya'll could win. At that moment when you were screaming at him, everything around you sparkled. He had fallen right then and there and he hasn't gotten up since.

Kirishima: As positive as Kirishima is, he still is a pretty self conscious person. So, one night he came to you and started talking shit about his quirk acting like it was the most normal thing is the world. You were not having this negative energy in this household, so you started going off about how amazing, strong and manly he is. To cheer him up even more, you jellified the sidewalk outside and bounced in the rain like ya'll were in some type of 'coming of age' movie. The whole experience is what caused Kiri to catch feelings for you

Kaminari: He short circuited after pushing his quirk too hard again and instead of laughing and letting him do whatever he wanted, you took him to him room and waited out the moment. You made sure to have water and snacks because he has told you before that his energy is at its lowest after he getting out of that cooked brain phase. Once he woke up from his trance, he saw you reading a book in the corner of his room. Confused, he asked what you two were doing in his room and how he got there in the first place. Ignoring his questions, you hopped up from his seat and began making him drink water and have some crackers. The way you acted while taking care of him really hit different for him and he fell in love right then and there

Sero: Honestly, love at first sight. He thought you were cute from the beginning and slowly kept falling for you he more he got to know you

Mina: One day she was minding her own business in class when you walked up to her and gave her a little keychain that had a time pink cat on it. She was very confused but took the keychain anyways. Before she could ask, you told her that you saw it and instantly thought of her so you bought it to give to her. That sentence warmed her heart so much that she knew she had to make you hers no matter what

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