How You Fight Together

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Bakugo: You are more of a rescue type hero. While he is off blowing anything and everything up, you are helping restore those building destroyed by both villains AND your boyfriend. If a building is about to collapse, you're there in an instant. Bakugo will help blast you through the building inorder for you to active your quick as much as possible. As destructive as he is, he thinks about you and tries not to destroy EVERYTHING in his path because he knows it puts a strain on you

Kirishima: You work well with most to all heroes. Kirishima is no exception. He will ask you to 'jellify' certain things for him to use as a trampoline in order to attack a villain from a higher point of view. He enjoys working with you because he find it very fun bouncing on the objects to change

Kaminari: Your combo attack with him can be deadly, if he's not careful. You guys call it the 'Shock Wave.' Basically you'll bend water around your opponents and he will blast a sting of electricity into the water in order to stun and immobilize your opponents. You two fight really well together and your combo moves are very effective together

Sero: You two don't get to work together that often, however when you do you both make the most of it. He likes to swing you through the city because it helps you move your sunlight faster than if you were on the ground. You guys also have a combo move called the 'Blind Restraint.' That attack method is when you shine an enormous amount of sunlight into your opponents face and while they're blinded, Sero captures them with his tape. This turns out to be one of the fastest pro-hero restraint moves in hero history

Mina: Sadly, your quirks aren't that compatible, however that doesn't stop you guys from working together whenever you can. Because your quirk isn't very physically based, you've learned many different fighting styles. You use your quirk as a 'last resort' sort of deal in order to get villians to surrender. You two are very traumatizing to with against because your opponent either has acid burns or mental scarring. either way, when bad guys see you two coming, they are definitely threatened

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