First Date

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Bakugo: He isn't a fan of going out much. He thinks its useless and lame, so instead he sat you down and cooked you dinner. He lowkey wanted to impress you with his amazing cooking skills and put on a little bit of a show when creating the dish. You had lots of fun and the food was delicious

Kirishima: Poor boy was so shy and didn't know where to start, so he took you to a classic movie date with ice cream afterwards. He used the entire time watching the movie to work up the courage and actually talk to you while he bought you ice cream. Super sweet and he ended the date buy walking you home and giving you a kiss on the cheek before sprinting a way

Kaminari: He took you to a concert. Once he found out that you two have the same music taste, he bought the first tickets he could get his hands on. He ended up using some excuse about Sero bailing on him to ask you, but it ended up working and you both had an amazing time jamming to the music

Sero: This sweet boy took you to an amusement park. He made it a challenge to ride every ride at the park. Little did you know that he was planning on riding the beloved Ferris Wheel last so once you eventually got to it, the sky was dark and the park was lit up with so many beautiful colors. it was a classic "Their view was beautiful, but his was better," scenario

Mina: Mall Date. Mall Date. Mall Date. We all know that this girl loves shopping, but what she likes even more than that, is spoiling you. She wants to buy everything you stare at for a second too long because she feels its a great way to show you she cares. Not only that, but you guys like to fuck around in the many stores and have food eating competitions at the food court. You could say it was a very fun day

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