What You Two Would Do at a BLM Protest

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Bakugo: He's threatening and insulting the pigs while throwing back the flash bombs thrown your way. He's taking the tear gas like a champ and will blow up ANY cop that even thinks about hitting you guys with their batons. If you find any flash bombs, you revert them back to into original state before they are ignited. You're less offensive with the yelling, but you certainly don't hold your boyfriend back. Also, Bakugo will be damned if he sees any officer trying to hurt you in any way, shape or form

Kirishima: This amazing man is making sure barricades are being built and people are being protected by tear gas and rubber bullets. He steps in the way of anyone about to get attacked and hardens himself, protecting everyone in the process except the pigs that shot him because they end up ricocheting off Kirishima and back at them. He won't feel sorry when the cops get hit with their own bullets because it's "not very manly to shoot at the citizens you're supposed to be protecting dude." You're very helpful in this protest because you just turn all the police equipment into jelly. Tear gas spry? Jelly. Guns that shoot rubber bullets? Jelly. Their riot gear? Jelly. Pretty badass

Kaminari: You two are the masters of somehow stealing police stuff. You've raided it all. From protest to protest, you two manage to highjack a horse, a police van, a tank and many other things. You guys never know how ya'll end up in that situation, but it's always fun to ride by and flip off the cops that had that equipment just a second ago. You two are also the people that start the fire dances and overall feelgood party protesting. You care about the cause, but you wanna have fun with it and show how peaceful the protesters actually are

Sero: You too are more chill and there to make sure people are hydrated and wearing masks. Seros quirk can be very useful during these things. If someone is hurt, he can use some material and his tape to wrap the wound. He can also help fix broken signs or wrap up tear gas spray and flash bombs. From time to time, he even likes to shoot tape on the mouths of those shouting "all lives matter" somewhere in the distance. During the day protests, you like to shift the sunlight so its not shining as bright on top of the protesters as it usually would have been. Oh would you look at that, The spot the cops decided to be stationed in looks like and getting a LOT of sunlight today, weird right? I hope they don't get an awful sunburn cause they really look like they're cooking out there, oh nooooooo.

Mina: Burn shit. Burn shit. Burn shit. Sure you guys started out peaceful, but as soon as the cops started hurting people, ya'll said "Fuck that and fuck 12. Time to riot," and that is exactly what you did. Mina will destroy anything her acid and she doesn't give a single fuck. When you too aren't burning shit, you are usually insulting cops. Your girlfriend is really good at roasting and can really get under peoples skin. You are pretty sure she has made a few cops cry before. Also when things get pretty serious and the pigs are being extra forceful, you like to 'accidentally' drop your glasses and just happen to look into the eyes of the aggressive pigs in front of you. Really odd when you never see them at protests again

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