Such a nerd.

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Tricia's pov

This is the year, the year I rule the school. I took a deep breath in. "Loser!" I look over to see this guy get shoved to the ground. The first kick landed to his stomach, and I seen the blood. "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I snapped as I walked over. "What'd you say bitch?" I recognized the quarterback of the football team. "Trish no!" Jay walked up behind me, I looked to the guy on the ground.

I supposed I should introduce myself. I'm Tricia but everyone calls me trish. I stand easily at five five and have long brown hair to my waist. I don't have a whole lot of friends, well except jay. My typical style of cloths are emo punk style.

Jay stood at five eight, and was rather skinny, but he wasn't about to let me get hurt. I shoved past the quarterback and helped the guy up. "Thank you" he mumbled softly, I gave a smile as jay came to the other side. "Come on dude." He'd say helping him walk away.

The quarterback growled as he grabbed my arm. "Bitch!" I reared back as my fist stopped an inch from his nose. "Back off!" I snapped, catching up to jay and this new guy. Jay sat talking to him, rather talking at him. "So, what is your name?" I asked interrupting jay. "Jacob.." I half nodded, the look in his eye screamed he felt nervous or anxious around me. "Jay, go get a coke or something for Jacob?" I handed jay five dollars and off he went. "Thanks." Jacob said sweetly. "James can be a little overwhelming some times." Jacob half nodded and rubbed his arms, leaning against the wall.

"My name is." "Trish.. your idiot boyfriend is looking for you" jay said, having come back. Jacob stood up and started to walk off. "Dumbass!" I snapped at jay. "Why would you wanna flirt with him?" Jay asked watching Jacob fast walk away. Me and jay tried to date once. Once was all it took for us to see we were better off as just friends. It didn't stop him from being an asshole.

I rolled my eyes and walked off in the direction Jacob went. I couldn't explain it, I just wanted to be around this guy. Something was pulling me towards him.

I finally caught up to him, and watched him at his locker. "Isn't your boyfriend looking for you?" He'd ask, I shrugged "what boyfriend? Jay is a jealous twat, and if he can't have me, he thinks nobody should. It's my body my decision." I'd say, as Jacob shrugged. "Fair enough." He'd say, as I looked around. Nobody was in the halls, as everyone had gone to their home rooms. "What class are you in?" I asked, snatching the paper from his hands. "Hey, you're in all my classes." Jacob nodded. "Really now?" He'd say as I smiled big. "Yeah." I responded taking his arm. "Let's go shall we?" I smiled warmly.

Jacob kept quiet, I often wished I could read other's minds. Maybe give some clue what he was thinking.

Jacob's pov

I took a deep breath in. I wasn't ready to come here. New school meant new people who don't like me. "Hey new kid!" I turned and looked at what looked like the football quarterback. Shit not today. "Loser!" And that's when the first punch landed. Knocking me backwards onto the ground. "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I looked up to see a girl, she had on converse, knee high socks, and looked rather emo or punk. "What'd you say bitch?" She had her fist balled and ready to hit him. "Trish, no!" Came another guy. Standing behind her. The quarterback snarled at him.

The Trish girl came towards me and helped me up. Damn, she's hot. Why is she helping me? I thought as her friend took my other side and we all three started in. Trish got yanked backwards by the quarterback before me or her friend could react, she had her fist an inch from his nose. "Back off!" She snarled. Me and her friend headed in ahead of her, but she quickly caught up.

"So, what's your name?" She asked. For someone who was emo she was awful bubbly. "Jacob." I said, trying to subtly get the impending boner to go away, like damn this girl was pretty. I had forgotten her idiot friend was close by. "Jay, go get a coke or something for Jacob?" She asked, great. She was shooting him off.

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