Lavey satanic *4~

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"Let's go!" Sarah screamed in my head, as I irritatedly did my makeup. "Will you calm the fuck down?" I sighed as I could see her huff angrily. "It's gonna be Christmas by the time you get done." She'd huff. "My, don't you look beautiful." My boyfriend, Andy, stated as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My name is Violet. I was raised as a baptist Christian. My boyfriend, Protestant. But he wanted to try this one version of satanist. Of course, Sarah is a demon that I was possessed by a long time ago.

I sighed as he kissed my shoulder. "You know you don't have to dress up for this, right?" He'd say as I looked to him. "I know." I paused and looked myself over. "Think of it as an old habit." I'd say as I turned and kissed his cheek.

Andy stood at six two, and was much taller than me. I stood at five five, sometimes five four.

I seen him flash a smile, as he followed me out to his car.

The drive was quiet, as I felt a dark cloud start to grip at my chest. "You might want to let me be in control, unless you plan on tearing them all apart." Sarah giggled, as I silently agreed.

I felt my eyes shift from their normal blue, to a deeper more oceanic blue. "Andrew." Sarah purred, as he looked to me. "Sarah, be on your best behavior." He'd say coldly, as Sarah made me pout cutely. "You two are no fun!" She whined slightly at him.

"You need to behave, god only knows how you'd react." I'd respond to her. "Still, it's better than you. Blood lusters are the worst in the presence of satanic places" She'd say as Andy shook his head. "So, is this place not Lavey?" Sarah shook my head no. "Satanic yes. Lavey no." Andy looked worried as he drove closer.

He knew the blood lusters and their history. Why we were created, and so forth. He knew if Sarah lost control of me it could spell disaster for the lot of them.

"You sure you wish to see my power?" Sarah asked as Andy nodded his head. "Yes, I wish to see it." He'd respond as he put the car in park.

Sarah took a breath in. "Ready, violet?" I nodded, but of course only Sarah could "see" it. Sarah nodded to Andy as he got out of the car.

Sarah made her way to the doors, but hesitated in touching the nob. "Why hesitate?" I'd ask, as she took a breath in. "You're trembling, i can't help that. I do wonder if they know what a blood luster is. I've heard—" I cut her off. "Sarah turn the god damn nob!" I snap as she nods, steadying herself almost.

I felt the shock go through even me, as she opened the doors and looked at all the satanist sitting in pews. Andy looked a bit confused, expecting more... satanic styled? I'm not sure what he was expecting. But I know I was expecting it.

Halt! Who dares enter this unholy of places!

Came a loud booming voice. Sarah stopped and smiled before her eyes flashed black. "Oh Daddy! I'm home!" She giggled as some of the anti-church goers stood and drew out knives. "Now now..." she smiled as they seemed frozen in their spots. Her eyes flashed a solid black as they stepped back. "You should learn to bow to a queen, instead of acting like you are above me!" She'd say flipping my hair back. "Blood luster in the church of Satan. They worry not of you demon, but what's inside of you." She grinned, and looked to Andy.

Andy looked in awe of actually finally stepping into a satanic church. "She's dormant, under my control. Unless you prefer I release my control?" She'd ask in her usual high pitch tone.

An elder stepped forward and touched two fingers to my forehead. "Crowley." Sarah glared at the elder before sending him flying back. "Do not touch me you peasant!" She snapped at him as one of the others ran towards Andy.

Did I mention he was a former marine? No? Yeah I probably should have mentioned it. He side stepped the attacker, grabbed his wrist and broke his arm. I stared in awe. "Andrew, be a dear?" She'd say as he bowed to her and left. "Wish He'd bow to me.... bastard!" I snapped as Sarah giggled.

The booming voice stepped forward, a knife drawn. "Crowley? That bastard owes me! This anti church was for our king, and he abandoned us." The male stood easily at six foot seven. He looked muscular, like he could easily rip someone in half. "That's because he's not a king. A true king would have as much loyalty to those who have loyalty towards him." She smiled, motioning for the man to come towards her.

He motioned for all the followers to step back. As he got closer. "Sarah this guy is huge." I'd say as I watched him tower over my measly height. "You have no damn respect. I did demand you to bow." She'd say, with a speed I had never had before. She was behind him and her foot drove into the back of his knee. Causing him to collapse to his knees.

He spun and missed as he attempted to slash across my stomach. "Sarah, please remember who's body you're using!" I snapped as she grinned. "Remember what you are." She'd say as suddenly I was thrown in control.

I felt the shock of power course through me. The need to kill them course through me. The big guy stood froze almost as he realized she let me in control again. "How powerful is a bloodluster compared to a demon?" He'd question. My eyes pulsed red as my nails grew longer.

It was like an animalistic change in me. I started growling, as I charged at the big one. I even felt my K9 teeth sharpen. The others started screaming in terror as my hand went through the big guy's chest. I wrapped my fingers around his still beating heart. He looked panicked as he screamed for them to help their leader.

I laughed like a psychotic person, as I watched him. My hand tightening around his heart. He dropped to his knees, as I watched the life drain from his eyes. As I spoke, my voice was more demonic than a demons. Multiple voices seemed to talk at once. "My power is unlimited compared to yours devil." As I pulled my hand back, his heart came with it.

The followers screamed as their leader fell at my feet. The anti church going into an inferno as people began to burn. The flames never once touching me, as I made my way out the doors. "May the eternal flame cleanse your damned soul." I'd mumble as I walked to the car, dropping the heart on the way, as Andy caught me from collapsing. "What happen to Sarah not letting you in control?" I sighed, as she spoke. "I had no choice but to trick you into slaying him. I'm sorry." She'd tell me as I shook my head.

"I just want to sleep." I'd say, feeling more satisfied than usual.

"Let's go home, cops are coming." Andy said as he helped me into the car and we went home.

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