"Vampires are kinda boring," I tell Killian. "Do they even have mates?"

Killian glances up from his book. "Yes, actually, they do."

My head cocks to the side. "Really? Like the same as ours?"

Killian shrugs. "I guess so. They don't call them 'mates', though. They call them their beloved. Same thing, really. Their other half, soulmate, blah blah blah."

"Sounds corny," I say, but my voice cracks.

Who am I kidding? Everyone loves the idea of having a soulmate. I was surprised by how bitter I felt about vampires having them too. For a moment, I almost felt a bit of solace in knowing that I wasn't completely alone.

"Can I ask you something?" Killian asks suddenly.

"Whatever," I say passively, still skimming through the book, repressing thoughts about Leo and Gwen.

"Why didn't you hesitate to reject Leo?" Killian asks tentatively, glancing at me quickly before looking away.

His question surprises me. Isn't it obvious. "Gwen is my sister..?" I say in question, not really sure what he doesn't understand.

He looks perplexed by my response. "Didn't you want a mate?" He asks, and I'm still not sure how the two are connected.

I shrug. "Everyone does."

He blinks. "Why not fight for him then?"

"Why would I want the father of my sister's baby?" I ask in confusion.

Killian shakes his head slowly. "I... I don't understand you sometimes, Katrina."

"What aren't you understanding?" I ask irately.

"You fight in every other aspect of your life," Killian says pensively, his eyebrows furrowed. "But not with your mate. I watched you reject him like it was effortless."

"She's my sister."

Killian doesn't respond, only going back to reading his book.

We read in silence for awhile.

"It's not your business anyways," I mutter.

"I know."

We quietly turn the pages, and I gulp nervously, scooting away from him on the cot.

"Something wrong, Katrina?" Killian asks.

"No, just warm in here," I swallow again, moving a few more inches away.

"We could take off our clothes," He grins wickedly.

"I could take off your head?" I suggest, reaching for the knife in my sheath.

"Your inclination towards violence just turns me on more," Killian says with a wink.

"You know one of these days I actually will stab you right?" I roll my eyes.

"Hopefully I'll be the one stabbing you," He wiggles his eyebrows.

I groan in disgust, shoving him off the cot. "You're gross."

He laughs, laying on the ground. "Never has a woman been so hateful towards my advances. I'm beginning to think you may not actually be in love with me after all."

"Wow, you think so?" I respond sarcastically.

"Nah, I know you're falling for me," Killian grins, getting up and sitting next to me on the cot. "How could you not? I'm beautiful, smart, hilarious, powerful. What more could you want?"

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