Chapter 5.

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"Look, we must get rid of this lustful tension between us. Why don't we compliment each other and then we can work hand to hand without you trying to undress me with your eyes" Lotor smiled rather smug and proud of himself and his good looks.

"I can promise you that my eyes are not undressing you unless they imagining you melting in acid" Pidge replied sternly with a hand on her hip as Lotor stood before her at the nurses stations, all the nurses watching, well checking Lotor out from the distance. A couple patients blushing over his looks or others glaring over a good looking guy making the women go crazy. 

"I'll go first since your clearly so shocked over me talking to you and you alone, it happens when a person meets their famous crush but don't worry I'll respect you as a doctor not as my fan while we work. So, here my compliment to you, your rather clever" Lotor smiled sweetly, brushing some of his long hair over his shoulders and giving a princely stance while Pidge rolled her eyes.

"I never agreed to this, in fact I would love to tell you what I really think about you but that might start a war between us and well I'm sure your fans won't love an asshole prince" Pidge smirked as she glanced up to Lotor who met with her eyes.

"You clever son of a bitch" Lotor muttered back and Pidge gave a smug grin, raising a proud eyebrow. 

"Now if you don't mind, I have patients who needs my time much more then you do. Plus, I much rather let them be a nuisance to me then you" Pidge sighed as she pushed past Lotor and headed down the hall that she was in charge off today.

"Want me to kill him for you" Keith asked, he stood leaning in the doorway of his room, watching the small show and keeping an eye on Lotor making sure the prince didn't pus his luck.

"As long as you don't get caught, Orange isn't your colour either" Pidge answered earning a slight chuckle from her friend. 

"Well I'm being let out of quarantine today instead of tomorrow, since I only went to Altea I don't need to do the forty eight hours of quarantine. I've passed the tests and scans and well I can kill him on my way home for you" Keith spoke up while Pidge stood beside him, facing the opposite way to where Lotor stood at the nurse desks. 

"Congrats but don't temp me with that offer, I have the night shift and so dose he" Pidge sighed and Keith gave her a pity look.

"Your strong and won't take his shit, just hold out" Keith replied and patted her shoulder before entering his room more to pack his bits.

Pidge walked to the room next down, she only had Keith and Lance to look after during her night shift since she was on quarantine duty. Sure, she would help out with other patients on the floor if needed but it was the night shift so must would be asleep during it. Sure, a new pilot or alien might be brought up during the middle of the night if they had a ship land during the night but that all.  

Lotor would have to deal with most patients, he did like to show off and make himself known whenever he was in the hospital. He had skills and he was good at his job but he was just a real twat that was so stuck up and just had to much pride over his looks. Sure, he was good looking and almost everyone fell head over heels for him with a single glance from him but not Pidge. 

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