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Hey guys, so I know I've been gone for a few weeks again, and it might've seemed like I was gonna take about her break, but that's not the case.

The fact is: I'm in college now!

Anyway, I've been doing my own thing, ya know, schoolwork, meeting new faces, making new decisions (some bad), and it's just so time consuming. However, I have been at the bookstore lately and it's been making me miss writing on here. So, this weekend, I might upload another chapter or two! I'm real excited.

Also, I know I might have seemed like I forgot about the whole "court night of the vampires" in the last chapter, but don't worry, it'll all be explained in the next chapter.

Until then, see you guys later! Thank you for sticking with me all this time. It's really appreciated and honored 🖤🖤

I also wanna give a shoutout to sidqwe   They have stuck by me all the way and are always the first to read and vote for my chapters. Thank you so much, dude! It means a lot!

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