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The club was very loud and active. The music was basically the pop music of today and the early 2000s. There was a DJ booth with a young looking guy spinning, and lights were shooting everywhere with the music, which was pretty cool. A majority of people were dancing, while others sat in the seats that benched around the club, and some at the bar getting a drink.

Leo started bouncing his shoulders a little to the beat. "I think I've missed this. I'm feeling it tonight." Leo fit the setting. He looked like a clubber. "I think I'll go get some dancing in before anything else."

Sage's shoulders were moving, too. "I think I'll join you." They both headed into the crowd of dancing people, disappearing from sight.

Terry faced the bar. "I think I'll go get me a drink before I try and flirt around."

Amara giggled a fake laugh. "I think guys with glasses are so cute." She said, obviously playing with him.

He smiled bright, obviously thinking he had accomplished something. "Really? Well there's a lot you don't know about this guy with glasses." He put an arm over her shoulder and led her towards the bar. It was just the three of us now.

Kai eventually didn't know what to do. I didn't either. He eventually wandered off out of sight, leaving Victoria and I alone. "What do you want to do?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "I never really have been anywhere like this. The closest I've been to is the bar I work in, but it usually just sells drinks and food and doesn't play much music."

She smiled. "Get yourself a drink?"

I shook my head. "Not much. I'm driving."

"Ah." She looked around, and nodded. "We can go sit in the corner booth for a little. It's empty."

I nodded and she led me to the corner where it was mostly empty. There was a booth with a love seat that curved the corner of the wall and a table in the middle. I took a seat at the end of the seat, and Victoria got in on the other side, scooting farther in where she was at the edge of the opposite of the corner from me.

We sat in silence for a little, watching the people in the club dancing, having a great time. Some were dancing alone, while others danced with friends, and even some were dancing really close to one another, and it was easy to tell what was on their mind.

My curiosity started to kick in, as I needed to have a conversation. "So, how often do you guys do this?" I asked Victoria.

She smiled but kept her eyes on the crowd. "We come to places like these every now and then." She admitted. "Sometimes for food," She glanced at me, reminding me of what she meant. "and sometimes for fun."

I nodded. "Makes sense. How easy is it to find someone that will, ya know, feed you?"

Her smile turned evil very quickly. "I've got my ways."

I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't know what it was, but Victoria, when she's not on duty, had a personality that you could just vibe with. It's like whenever she smiles, you smile.

"Who's the next victim gonna be?" I asked.

She looked around, her eyes tracing over everyone in the room. "Hmm, well, why don't you try and pick one out for me."

I laughed. "Okay. One sec." I looked around, and pointed at this one blonde guy wearing a white button-up that outlined how slim but fit he was, dancing in the crowd. "How about him?"

She shook her head. "Not my type. Not much into blonde guys, or people that wear bright colors."

I smirked. "You're actually picky?"

She Came From the Shadows (James and Tera: book 2)Where stories live. Discover now