I managed to still finish my work over the laptop that Ariana brought, there was a lot of argument and random calls just to talk about the papers that needs to be done. Joe still being the best in his job, even though I'm not physically there he's still filling my work. There were times that I need to work through the night just to finish the papers and balancing the supplies of the shop, evaluating the workers over the call which is not hard because I knew them very well. The best part is I still have my job after being not there physically for three weeks.

Ariana's voice echoed to the stadium as the fans sang along with her new songs. Her team created a small session with some of her long time hardcore fans, even some of them are known by Ariana. I stared at her right at the back stage as her voice run through our ears got me thinking, 'How did I even end up being with her? This is impossible to be true,' But then, even if I slap myself or got myself tortured, I'm her girlfriend now.

From throwback songs to her current releases her fans knew each and every word. She talked and laughed with them like they've been friends for years, Ariana is so comfortable with them and this is girl is really so fucking ethereal to be real.

Her song ended and she looked at the back stage saying, "Water, please." with her cute soft voice. She's sitting there in a small stool with a mic stand in front of her, wearing a huge sweater and her signature ponytail.

Ash came right behind me and tossed me a bottle before saying, "Can you give it to her, Y/N? There's some trouble at the lights."

"No problem." I replied.

My knees got jelly just thinking of going in front of a huge crowd, I walked in the slowly toward her with a small genuine smile on my face.

"Hi, baby." She said, putting the microphone down before standing up and giving me a cuddly hug. I blushed as we shared a moment in front of a lot of people.

The crowd screamed and awed at the same time.

"Just wanted to give you a water." I mumbled awkwardly.

My girlfriend giggled and rubbed my shoulder, "It's fine, don't be shy." Her soft hand met mine and she took me all the way to the center, my ears heat up as the crowd cheered. I saw many different happy faces screaming my name. I felt my heart beat so fast as my eyes went to search for hers. Comforting as ever. This is what she's facing for years, loud and happy faces screaming names and how much love they have for her. Maybe, I should learn living in the public eye.

"Relax, babe. Breathe." Ariana softly whispered under my ear which made the crown more intense due to out closeness. I gulped and maybe at that moment, I'm the one who needed the water.

"I know some of y'all know but.. this is Y/N." I stood there holding hands with her as she beams between the silent audience and me. My heart felt like about to burst of mixed feelings at the moment. "Y/N is my steady. Some of y'all might be saying, Y/N is lucky and stuff because I'm her girlfriend and so on.." Ariana snorted as the fans giggled, her dark brown eyes met mine and her soft thumb running on my skin. "Truth is, I'm the luckiest person in the world because every time I look at her, I feel love and inspiration. You are my world. Gravity will always pulls me toward you."

My eyes almost teared up but it got distracted by the fans screaming and howling because of her words. Ariana's words came out sincere and strong as if we're just the only people in the room. I bit my lip to hide my smile and she let of the microphone then crushed her body toward me, hugging me tightly. "Remember when I told you, I'm always gonna go to you. I'm ready to explore this adventurous world of yours?" I nodded my head, and pressed a small kiss on her head. "It's time to switch side now." She said and laughed, "Are you ready to be the rocket this time? Are you ready to launch in my world?"

Barista (Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now