Her doctor was still running checks on her as Mary spoke.

"I remember everything. I told you I understood. And I told you to send the boys to Australia."
"That's right. Now what do you remember about how you were feeling. Do you know why you're here?"

If was quiet for a little bit as the doctor finally finished and took a space beside me to watch Grace answer.

"Em. I have sepsis." A tear started running down her face. I began rubbing her hand again and Niall took the other, Mary stood beside Him.
"That's right. It's okey. Don't worry. We took care of you."

This is honestly the most caring nurse I've ever met.

"You have been asleep for 4 weeks and 5 days. You've had two surgeries and don't you worry, thanks to the otherwise healthy condition you kept yourself in we managed to clear your blood system out.
You're going to be weak for a while and you need to take it easy.

But after a few days you can go home as you did most of your recovery during your coma."

"Thank you. Thank you so much" she was full on crying now.  
Mary took Niall's place, holding her as a mother would.

"My dear it's alright. That's my job, I made a promise to you that day do you remember?"
"I kept it. Just as I said I would."

After an emotional 30 minutes the staff left us to talk alone.

Graces pov:

"Grace I'm so sorry I let this happen. It's my job to look after you and I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me." Niall was in bits.
"Niall there is no reason to be. I'm not a child anymore. I'm no one's responsibility and you look after me better than my own father. I promise. You're the best brother I could ever have."

"Omg I need to tell mam" he let out a small chuckle
"Aha. Don't let her catch you using the lords name in vain." We all had a slight laugh at that.
I'm trying my best make me waking up less awkward and sad.

"Go talk to her. And I want to as well."

He took his phone out right there and dialled the number, putting it on speaker.
We were greeted by a concerned mrs Gallagher.
"Niall? What is it? What happened, you only just rang!"

I smiled at Niall who moved it closer to me.

"Somebody wanted to say hello thats all."
We were all giddy and laughing in the background.

"What who?"
"Hello mrs Gallagher..."
"Oh my GOD! Im sorry. Grace, are you alright and for gods sake you know what to call me by now."

"Ha. I'm fine and I know that mammy. I just like annoying you sometimes thats all."

What? I might have just had sepsis. But she's the closest thing I have to a mother and I like annoying the people I love ....

"Your spending too much time with Niall. I'm coming now. I'll change my ticket, I can't wait for three days! Oh I'm so happy, father Michael will never believe it!"

Oh god. She's been talking with father Micheal. I can only imagine what he thinks of me. We never did get along much when I stayed with Niall and his family.

But then again he's an old fashioned Irish clergyman. So, what do you expect?

After talking with Maura for a good few more minutes. She told us she was going straight to the airport and would meet us here as soon as she could.

I looked around the room smiling at the two most important men in my life, my bother,  Niall. My boyfriend Harry. And my brother Edward?!

He stood in the door way with a massive grin plastered on his face.
"Edward?" I glanced at Niall who looked guilty as fuck. Looking back towards my adoptive brother I could feel the tears burning up inside me.

"Eddy?" God that was so squeaky.
"Gracie! God I was so worried."

He gave me the biggest hug I could take. As I sat talking with them I saw Harry smile at me but then get up and leave.

He hasn't said much since I woke up, and I know he has a lot to say because for the last 5 weeks I've been listening to him.

One direction- the reunion Where stories live. Discover now